Wednesday, March 26, 2008

20th Century Martyrs - Westminster Abbey

Statues of 20th-century martyrs on the façade above the Great West Door of Westminster Abbey. Those commemorated are Maximilian Kolbe, Manche Masemola, Janani Luwum, Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia, Martin Luther King, Óscar Romero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Esther John, Lucian Tapiedi, and Wang Zhiming.
Thanks to Lapinbizarre who sent me the links with this comment:
It is a wonderfully "catholic" assembly, isn't it?
Indeed, it is a "catholic" assembly. That's the best of Anglicanism, the catholic, embracing Anglicanism, contrasting with the narrow, exclusive Anglicanism that certain members of the leadership in the Anglican Communion are presently advocating.

Image from Wiki

UPDATE: Links to biographies of the martyrs can be found here. Scroll down to the section labeled "Commemorated".


  1. ps there are linked biographies of each of these martyrs at the Wiki site.

  2. Yes, I noted that. They can be found here. Scroll down to the section labeled "Commemorated".

  3. Lapin, sorry for what? The link in my post leads to the picture only. I'm glad that you reminded me about the biographies. Thank you.

  4. This is astonishing. And very moving.

    Thank you.

    Pax, C.

  5. Cecilia, I love that Romero is holding a toddler. My friend, the Weird Rabbit, refers me to good stuff. I don't know what I'd do without him and Doug of the jokes.

  6. Darn it, it seems like they forgot my favorite, Edith Stein. She was martyred, wasn't she?

  7. Judith, she was killed at Auschwitz, but some say she was not a martyr, because she was killed for being Jewish and not because of her faith. However, the Roman Catholic Church canonized her as a martyr. I don't know if that's the reason she is not included at the Abbey.

  8. Searching today for more information on Oscar Romero, who is commemorated today by the Episcopalians, I came to this site and found more information about the 20 century martyrs'statues at Westminster Abbey. The Wikipedia article linked above has been modified. Information about the 10 can now be found by scrolling down in the section Burials and Memorials here:


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