Showing posts with label Eschaton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eschaton. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Atrios makes a good point at Eschaton.
If Bernie had dropped out a month ago (or, frankly, if he dropped out yesterday), there would be no horse race to cover, and no "both sides" (on the Democratic side) necessitating some balance between critical pieces of Clinton and critical pieces of Sanders. So any press coverage of Clinton would be one sided and critical, elevating nonsensical stuff into front page news.
My comment to the post:
Probably no reason to leave the 819th comment, but you make a point, Atrios.  If Sanders left the race, the media and Republicans would continue to minutely pick apart Clinton's every statement and bash her at every opportunity.  With Sanders in the race, the media will focus on the horse race and give the two candidates equal scrutiny and picking apart.  Republicans leave Sanders alone now, because they see the handwriting on the wall and also because they'd prefer their candidate to run against Sanders.  If Sanders should surprise us all and become the candidate, of course, the GOP will be merciless.
When I posted the link on Facebook, one of my friends who is a Sanders supported noted that the GOP will be merciless to either candidate.  The difference is that Sanders has not yet been scrutinized for 25 years, as Clinton has. Does anyone see the GOP bashing Sanders now? I don't. Why is that? I'd hope he and his family and his campaign are prepared if he is the nominee, because the attacks won't be pretty.  Also, a candidate who has less to lose feels freer to make negative comments about his Democratic opponent, comments that will attract the attention of the media and keep him in the spotlight.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Odd how both parties think the path to election is "pissing off liberals."

Maybe they're even right!
Quite odd.

I've been reading Atrios at Eschaton for years and years, although I'm not a member of his tight community of commenters. They all seem to know one another, and I'm not sure they take easily to newcomers. In general, they do not like religion. Can the religious amongst us blame them with the many examples of hateful speech that circulate on the internet in the name of religion?

Hey, guys! We're not all hate-filled.

Monday, January 24, 2011


This isn't actually about any specific issue at the moment, but one ongoing thing is that often people perceive my failure to comment on issue X as some sort of...well, I don't know, as meaningful in some way. Sometimes I just don't really have anything to say.

at Eschaton.

Ah yes. Me, too, but I'd add that sometimes I have something to say, but I don't have time to address the issue.

And Atrios' blog has held on to its vast numbers of comments in the face of Facebook. Why his comments ARE a virtual Facebook! Check them out. How does he do it?