Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bishop Jenkins' Response

I had already written a post on Bishop Charles Jenkins' response to the House of Bishops meeting at Camp Allen and the "Communication" from the meeting. However, the bishop has put up a comments box on the website of the Diocese of Louisiana, and I thought it best to write what I wanted to say there. I had sent him an email, but had not heard back on that, so I pretty much repeated my email and added a bit more. The comments are moderated, therefore I'm not 100% sure if mine will make it to the site. Let me say that it is perfectly polite, but not necessarily complimentary.

Please find the site yourself, because a link will send him here, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I will be found out sooner or later, I'm sure, but I'm not going out of my way to identify myself. Is that cowardly of me?


  1. Of course not, Mimi... nobody knows who I am either. I thought about a contest where if you thought you knew who I was, walk up and just say "woof, woof" to me. That gave me a chuckle to think of a bunch of people walking around barking at each other...

    anonymous was a dog

  2. If you think you know who I am, speak French. How would that be? Most certainly not as funny as your idea, Clumber.

  3. as of now it says that it hasn't been commented upon. Perhaps it will show up. I look forward to seeing what you wrote.


Anonymous commenters, please sign a name, any name, to distinguish one anonymous commenter from another. Thank you.