Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Thought You'd Like An Artist Joke

An artist had been working on a nude portrait for a long time. Every day, he was up early and worked late - bringing perfection with every stroke of his paint brush. As each day passed, he gained a better understanding of the female body and was able to really make his paintings shine.

After a month, the artist had become very weary from this non-stop effort and decided to take it easy for the day. Since his model had already shown up, he suggested they merely have a glass of wine and talk - since normally he preferred to do his painting in silence.

They talked for a few hours, getting to know each other better. Then as they were sipping their claret, the artist heard a car arriving outside. He jumped up and said, "Oh no! It's my wife! Quick, take off your clothes!"


  1. Who do we blame? Doug?

    Or you?

    Tee hee, kidding, very cute joke!

  2. Fran, this one is from the intertubes. My other sources seem to have dried up. I suppose I should have given credit to the joke site, but now I don't remember where it is.

  3. Yes, this is one of my favorite "Surprise, it's not smutty!" jokes.

  4. Susan, after watching "Pollock", I started looking for artist jokes to cheer myself up.

  5. This was cute.

    I've got another artist joke for you, Mimi.

    A nude model showed up for her sitting one day. To the dismay of the artist, when the model disrobed, they discovered that the knee-high, lace-up boots she'd been wearing had left deep marks on her legs. So the artist told her to go sit and relax for half an hour or so, and they would get started when the marks had disappeared.

    So the model sat down in the nearest chair and started to read. After a while, the artist decided that her legs were fine and they could get to work.

    The model stood up and the artist shrieked in frustration.

    She'd been sitting in a wicker chair.

  6. Oh Ruth that is hilarious!

    And Mimi, just take the credit for yourself and file under "blame Mimi" - heehee!!!

    I have to get up - this wicker chair is h-e-double hockey sticks on my bottom!!

  7. I fully expected that Her Bawdiness would like this one, Ruth. What she does to gentleman on planes is now the scandal of the day on the intertubes.

  8. Very, very good. Really!

    You too, Ruth!

  9. Titian was mixing rose madder,
    His model was posed on a ladder,
    Her position to Titian,
    Suggested coition,
    So he put down his madder,
    And had her.

  10. Counterlight, if it was a contest, you'd win with the limerick. Is this yours?

  11. Unfortunately no, it's not mine. I've known it for years and now I can't remember where I first heard it.


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