Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cardinal In Cappa Magna

I don't think the train is quite long enough, but chacun à son goût.

Thanks to Lapin, my liturgical vestment consultant.


  1. I need a new stair carpet. That would do.

  2. Loitering Within Tent, if ever I saw it!

  3. I want one! Or rather, I want something made of that bright red fabric, but not quite the same outfit. Tim Gunn, where are you?

    I had a really absurd liturgical dream last night, or rather this morning, while I was oversleeping. :-b The train wasn't in it, but everything else was over the top. There were liturgical dancers with fireworks and three kinds of communion bread and the church (looked more like an auditorium or theatre) was so big I lost the friends with whom I had come (I was in the congregation, not presiding or preaching or reading or anything) and the liturgy lasted for over three hours. I woke up right after communion. (Now all you theologians can ask whether it was valid communion.) Also, the presider wasn't vested but the acolytes were.

  4. Oh my. So many one-liners spring instantly to mind, i.e., "wonder who he's going to marry and isn't that an interesting color for a wedding gown"...or "if it were black that would be Virgil Fox"..."oops, got caught on the table cloth again"...but then, this isn't a caption competition I guess.


  5. Oh I don't know, It looks like it could be 18 foot long!!!

    I wonder if it was JP2 who revoked Paul6's ban, nah it must be Benny, a liturgical clothes horse if ever there was one...

  6. Look, the cardinals are the princes of the RCC. Will you begrudge them an 18-ft. train, or even a 20-ft. train? What do you want them to wear? A mere 10-ft. train or - gasp! - no train at all?

  7. I don't know. It is missing something... some lace perhaps?

  8. Dennis, I'll wager there's lace a'plenty under the cappa magna. You can't see it, but it's there.

  9. Hey, I know a good seamstress, maybe she could help???

  10. Where would you put lace on the cappa? Would it be red lace or white lace? That would NEVER do. I assure you that there's lots of lace. It's UNDER the cappa.

  11. With the "winter" cappa m. the shorter, outer cape around the shoulders is made of ermine. Bunny, more likely. A touch of white without lace.

  12. Lapin, I thought of the ermine (probably lapin) trim after I had hit publish. The cappa really is too much red and cries out for contrast.


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