Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gustav In New Roads

These pictures from the aftermath of Gustav in New Roads, Louisiana, were taken AFTER the initial clean-up. I didn't have the presence of mind to take pictures before the clean-up started.

Big Tree Down

Across the highway, which runs in front of the house, you can catch a glimpse of False River, the oxbow lake that was once a part of the Mississippi River, but was cut off when the river changed course.

Gathered Piles Of Tree Limbs

In the center rear of the picture, those are not bushes growing, but piles of fallen branches.

Persimmon Tree Down

Ripe Persimmons On Fallen Tree

The fruit at the top of the tree would never have been picked, because it was a very tall tree. The good news is that the folks who like persimmons had a field day.


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