Monday, September 22, 2008

My Living Will

Last night, my friend and I were sitting in the living room, and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."

She got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.

She's such a bitch...

From a naughty friend in the West.


  1. Yea, that's about it with me, but it would be potato squeezings (Vodka) being thrown away, not wine.

  2. Tell her to give back the wine. It's much better for you than the water.


    Hey listen, a couple of us have opened a new blog in support of Ft. Worth, Pittsburgh, Quincy, and who knows who else. For what it's worth, as a place to vent and discuss...

    grandmere (and katie), if you (plural) have a brilliant or at least perspicacious idea you'd like to contribute, I'm sure we could make you "authors".

  3. Mimi
    I've only just read your posts of the last couple of days. How did your doctor's appointment go?


  4. Erica, my doctor visit is worth a post all it's own. My knee and my heel feel better today after the steroid shot, and I'm sure the physical therapy he prescribed will do wonders. The doctor is new in town, and I like him very much.

  5. Does Grandpere know about your infatuation with the new doctor? :-)

  6. He does, Brian, he does. I never withhold information on my latest infatuations from him. He seems not to mind. I think he's way overconfident. ;o)

  7. I have had the same conditions, plus a couple of others, for some time. I find the Cortisone injections don't last very long, and are therefore of limited value. However, some of the PT is a life saver.

  8. Johnieb, I had one injection in my other knee, 3 or 4 years ago, and I have not had pain since. The steroid worked for me. I'm sorry it didn't work for you.


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