Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Oui, On Peut! - Yes We can! - Obama Zydeco"

Elizabeth told me about this, and as soon as I saw and listened, I had to have it. I stole it from Jon. Is this not great? As Jon says, "I have never been so proud of my homeland." Why didn't I think of saying "Yes we can" in French?

H/T to Jon at The Ultimate Word


  1. Aren't they singing, "Oui, on peut"?

  2. Yes, Paul. Thank you. I'm going to edit. It's late. Maybe no one else saw it.

  3. Thanks, Mimi! So much fun! I'm sharing this with every French speaker I know! :D

  4. Well now I feel like I've "made it" - a hat tip from the world famous Grandmere Mimi!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the vid...

    Living in New Jersey, I occasionally find that I need some tastes of home to keep me sane, and this was a particularly fulfilling one.


  5. Rachel Maddow showed this last night: it's wonderful, iddn't it?


    It makes me want to get on a plane for NOLA immediatement!

  7. Oh I love this and have already lifted it for my blog!!!

  8. If any of you are wondering, before Paul's kindly correction, I had "Qui, En Peut" in the title.

    Jon, welcome and thank you for letting me steal from you. What's the "world famous" business about? Is there something that I don't know?

    I understand your need for tastes from home. I need my occasional tastes of New Orleans to stay sane, even though I'm still in south Louisiana.

    Judith, go! And eat at MiLa's.

  9. Chere Mimi
    I tried using the e-mail address in your profile this morning to ask if 'en' was perhaps creole as in Quebec the third person pro-noun gender-non-specific is 'on'

    unfortunately the e-mail came back undeliverable twice, so i figured it had to be the creole culture squad interfering.


  10. David, you are correct. I botched the title completely. I'll fix that, too. I posted in a hurry late last night, and I should never do that. Thank you.

  11. Jon - you've made the Big Time now. Mimi's got you hooked. There's no turning back now. You'll be singing "I dream of Mimi with the silver gray hair" before bed every night. It will come as a welcome relief to your need to eat Popeye's Chicken - at least, to your friends.

  12. Of course, with a very slight vowel change it becomes "Oui, un peu" (Yes, a little), which might make a good rallying cry for McCain: "Suis-je meilleur que Bush? Oui, un peu." (Am I better than Bush? Yes, a little).

  13. I love it!!

    P.S. Had amazing, amazing shrimp-n-grits for lunch today. Just the right amount of tabasco, too.

  14. Un petit Zydeco pour Obama.
    Je l'aime!

    (Je suis désolé que je n'aie pas visité dans un long temps.)

  15. Jane, sounds yummy. Did you cook it yourself?

    Dennis, you should be désolé! If you were nearby, I'd be tempted to spank you.

  16. I used to live in Lafayette and Baton Rouge...set up ecology experiments in Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes, as well as the Pearl River. I TOTALLY agree with you that the sacredness of Louisiana's natural resources has been defiled by opportunists from outside. I believe Obama is our best chance for saving the environment. GREEN JOBS for CAJUNS!!

  17. Oh, no, dear Mimi, I couldn't begin to make that fabulous dish. Our financially strapped little college has piece of abundance this year: a new food service (we let go the evil Sodhexo after putting the cafeteria contract out to bid and hired these fabulous new folks, Meriweather Godsey, a women-owned business with a commitment to sustainability and health and just salaries) which is amazing. There was a little reception for our college's equivalent of the United Way and the food service catered it, and they made the shrimp and grits, beautifully presented, too.

    I do cook as you know but I haven't mastered Louisiana cuisine, nor have I tried. I don't usually eat pork but it's not a religious thing so this time I made an exception -- there was a bit of bacon in the sauce. The presentation also was beautiful. They served this in something that looked like cosmopolitan glasses! The grits were just right (with cheese in them) and the shrimp were large, with the seasoning nice and spicy, but not too heavy, and the dish didn't feel heavy.

    Yum, yum.

    Great video. I'm making a link now. (In the same post as the "Mimi is famous on HuffPo for Obama" story.)


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