Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pray For Roseann (Being Peace)

Good Morning Mimi,

I've just received word from Roseann, and she is in the hospital, and will have both kidneys removed on Monday. She did not give me a time, but I suspect it will be early.

She's asking for prayers.

Pass this on to MP and the rest of the blog world. The more praying for her the better her recovery will be.



Almighty God our heavenly Father, graciously comfort your servant Roseann in her suffering, and bless the means made use of for her cure. Fill her heart with confidence that, though at times she may be afraid, she yet may put her trust in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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  1. I don't really know anything about Medicine, but it seems you in America do this a lot.

    And the only person here whom I have known to have had both her kidneys removed, had them removed in the USA. Both kidneys. She fell ill at a party... and was taken quickly to a hospital.

    I actually don't think it's done here at all, never having heard of such a case.

    Just wondering.

  2. Göran, both Roesann's kidneys were badly diseased and no longer functioning. She was on dialysis already. She hopes to find a donor for a transplant.

    What if you have cancer? A woman I know had one kidney removed several years ago, because it was cancerous. Now she has a malignant tumor in the other kidney, and it must be removed.

  3. It's only that I have never heard of any case except the woman I told you of. So I wonder...

  4. I have poly-cystic kidney disease. My kidneys do not function at all and the cysts can spread into the liver, colon and brain. Removing them is the only option other than slow and painful death.

    I appreciate the prayers everyone. The hospital has WIFI so I've got my beloved Macbook with me. DH (Gary) has come down with a very bad cold or strep throat, not sure which, but can't be here as he is contagious. However, we can instant message which is fun. Once I'm out of surgery he'll email Suzanne with an update.

    Love to all, Roseann

  5. Göran, what do the doctors in Sweden do? Let the people die?

    Hello, Being Peace. Thanks for weighing in here. I'm so sorry to hear about Gary. I'll pray for him, too. Do let us know after the surgery. We'll be waiting and praying.

    Much love and many prayers go your way.

  6. Well Mimi, as I said, I know little about Medicine, but according to available internet info some 6.000 persons do dialysis 1-3 times a week, with another 1.000 added every year. 350 transplants are made yearly, 1/3 from dead donors, 2/3 from living relatives. Nearly all (80 %) transplants are successful, nowadays. Dialysis is tough on the body, expensive and time consuming, but it takes about 2 years to get a transplant.

    Sorry to know so little...

  7. Göran, I was fairly sure that there were, indeed, people in Sweden who had kidneys removed.

  8. I don't really know if it's done without a transplant ?


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