Thursday, February 12, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request For Roseann

Evening June,

I sent you a note on FB a while ago telling you that Roseann is back in the hospital with a 103 fever, and vomiting. The doc's have begun testing to see what might be wrong. Would you send this on to the blog world? I'll keep you posted on her progress.


O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Roseann the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


(Book of Common Prayer - p. 458)

Roseann is on dialysis, waiting for a kidney donor, because her kidneys were diseased and had to be removed. I think Roseann is quite brave. She kept her courage and sense of humor throughout a long period of of illness. Doctors recently discovered a suspicious spot in a mammogram, and now this. Please pray!



Roseann has her laptop in the hospital, so if people would like to get in touch with her on Face Book they can.

She had an endoscopy this morning and a small tumor was seen, but she didn't tell me where it was. I'm trying to be cautious with what I pass on, but I think this turn of events should be shared.

I am very concerned for her.

Thank you for posting last evenings news on your blog.



  1. Oh my - God have mercy on Roseann who has been through so much. So many prayers!

  2. Fran, I can't believe this. I'm heartsick.

  3. Prayers offered
    Incense ascendding here in Montreal
    chere Mimi


  4. I do not mean to be cruel in any way, but are no family members able or willing to donate a kidney?

  5. If there is a way to find out, I would be interested to know.

    Thank you.

  6. J. Klempf, Roseann is home now. You can ask her yourself, if you'd like at her blog.

  7. I just looked at her blog and a bunch of her friends have lined up for possible donation. Hopefully one will match. Once again, thanks for answering my posts.

  8. J Klempf, thanks for the compliment.

    Those words of Roseann's have been there a while. Roseann thought that she might have a donor by now, but the donor testing is going slower than she expected. Of course, there's no guarantee that any of the volunteers will be a match. I don't believe she and her husband have children.

    I'm always glad to answer if I can.


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