Thursday, June 11, 2009

About My Niece

My niece for whom I asked prayers for a lump in her breast received her report. Here's what my brother-in-law wrote:

It is cancer - about the size of a dime - totally encapsulated - he took out extra tissue. She has to go back next week for chest x-ray, MRI and blood work - and they'll take some lymph nodes from her armpit? I think next step after that is radiation. She's handling it pretty well.

Please continue your prayers. It's not good news, but if the rest of the tests are negative for spread, she should be all right. That was about the size of my tumor. Let's pray that the rest of her story is like mine - 24 years passed. I told my BIL to tell her that people all over the world are praying for her.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p. 458)

UPDATE: Please add KJ, his sister, and his father to your prayers.

My sister heads towards the conclusion of chemo next month, and is doing well. She has been the primary support person for my dad in his battle with colon cancer. I can't remember if I reported that it is stage 4. Chemo has been complicated by low white blood cell count. Fortunately, he's a tough old bird.


  1. Catherine in JapanJune 12, 2009 at 12:32 AM

    I will get my husband in on the prayers. The Buddhist prayer request path will then be covered.
    Your own breast cancer story must comfort your niece so much.

  2. Sorry that it is not the best of news, but thanks that it is not worse and hopes that everything is now under control.

  3. Prayers for healing and strength for your niece, and prayers for all those who look after her and those who care about her.

  4. Dear Mimi, what a wonderful gift you must be to your niece at the moment. You know how this feels, and you know what she faces. You know that there is life and hope and love to hold on to and to be upheld by. May your courage give her confidence, may your wisdom bring her understanding, may your strength bring perseverance, and may you both know one another as a gift of God.

  5. So many prayers - thanks for the update dear Mimi.

  6. The news is terrible, but I'm grateful that it's not worse. Prayers for your niece's full recovery, and for what she must endure to get there.

  7. Thanks so much for the update. Prayers continuing. And ditto for what Ostrich said. You are a gift to so many, especially now, for your niece, coping with this.

  8. Thanks everyone for the prayers and kind words. You can't know what a comfort they are to me.

    I haven't talked to her, yet. She doesn't want to talk on the phone now, and I understand that perfectly, since I was the same way. She's dealing with too much, and she must work through it all in her own way and in her own time.

  9. May she, and all those who love and care for her, be surrounded by love and light, and may the Holy Spirit wrap you all in the shelter of Her comforting wings.


  10. Continued prayers.

    My sister heads towards the conclusion of chemo next month, and is doing well. She has ben the primary support person for my dad in his battle with colon cancer. I can't remember if I reported that it is stage 4. Chemo has been complicated by low white blood cell count. Fortunately, he's a tough old bird.

  11. KJ, thanks. Prayers for your sister and your father continue. My sympathy to you and your family as you walk through the cancer nightmare.

  12. KJ--I'm so glad to hear the good news about Karen...and sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers for you and ALL your family.


  13. Prayers ascending here in the Boston area!

  14. Prayers continuing for De-niece - and for you and for all afflicted!

  15. My thoughts and prayers are with your niece and all those surrounding her with love. May she be filled with hope and a knowledge of God's love even if it might not look so at the moment. May God's grace be with you all

  16. Prayers from me and "cat prayers" from all of my girls.

  17. Yes prayers continuing for niece and for KJ and family

  18. My niece is a strong and feisty woman. I think she's going to be all right.

    Thanks for the continuing prayers.

  19. Thanks for the prayers. Just yesterday, I learned that one of our priests, Marilyn, has a breast cancer diagnosis (Early -- lumpectomy and radiation are the plan.).

    When my sister was diagnosed, I put on a pink bracelet, and use it as my pink "rosary" for all that I know of who are in a cancer battle (I'm on our parish's prayer chain, and that is quite a few.). I decided recently that when my sister Karen's treatment is complete, I'll switch to yellow, and the bracelet will likely never come off.

  20. Prayers for you and yours, Mimi.

  21. My niece and I had a long phone conversation earlier today - a good talk. The doctors are quite optimistic about a cure for her, and she sounded upbeat herself. Since she's not one for bullshit, I believe that she is pretty much OK. She has her down moments, of course, but, on the whole, I'm optimistic about her, too.

    Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.


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