Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"...generous discretion...."

From The Lead at the Episcopal Café:

Episcopal bishops in the six states that have legalized same-sex marriage are asking the Church's General Convention to "permit the adaptation of the Pastoral Offices for The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage and The Blessing of a Civil Marriage for use with all couples who seek the church's support and God's blessing in their marriages."

The legislation is being proposed by Bishop Stephen T. Lane of Maine. Sponsors include: Bishops Andrew Smith, Laura Ahrens and James Curry of Connecticut; Bishop Alan Scarfe of Iowan; Bishops Thomas Shaw, Roy Cederholm and Gayle Harris of Massachusetts; Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire and Bishop Thomas Ely of Vermont.

Resolved, That in those dioceses, under the direction of the bishop, generous discretion is extended to clergy in the exercise of their pastoral ministry in order to permit the adaptation of the Pastoral Offices for The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage and The Blessing of a Civil Marriage for use with all couples who seek the church's support and God's blessing in their marriages; and be it further

Resolved, That in order to build a body of experience for the benefit of the church, each bishop in those dioceses where this pastoral practice is exercised provide an annual written report on their experience to the House of Bishops each March and to the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music for its report to the 77th General Convention.

Read the explanation of the resolution at the Café.

UPDATE: I forgot to thank Ann for the link.


  1. WOO HOO. Leadership in the HOB. It's a wonderful thing to behold.

  2. You go!, Drew, Laura and Jim. As chief rabble-rouser, i sit here in tears. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for this! Good job! Used it to rouse up the Calvinistas over at my place...

  4. (grandmere, will you please add connecticut to the prayer in your sidebar for the election of a bishop? thanks.)

  5. Elizabeth, yeah! Leadership!

    Of course, the church should have been in the lead, ahead of the political entities, in pursuing justice and equality, but I'll take what I can get.
    This is good news.

    Scott, here's a hankie, love.

    John Schuck, LOL. Go get 'em.

  6. Scott, I'll be happy to add Connecticut to the prayer.

  7. I read this when it showed on The Lead. I am so thrilled!!

  8. Now we pray that the resolution will pass.

  9. This is wonderful news. Thanks for sharing this with us! I hope and pray it passes!

  10. let the peoole of God say Amen



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