Saturday, July 18, 2009

From Roseann

Well it has been a wild week. I went to dialysis Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri and I'm feeling a little better now. On Tues I was transfused with 2 pints of blood. A person waiting, hoping for a kidney transplant never wants a transfusion because it builds up antibodies in your blood that make it harder to find a donor. However, being so anemic you can't walk across a room is not desirable either.
I saw my nephrologist today and he told me how worried he had been earlier this week. He's a good guy who really cares about his patients. The swelling in my arms has gone down about 75% and he expects the rest will go by the end of next week. I just keep on keepin' on.

Names I wish I had never heard:

Perez Hilton
Paris Hilton
Brittany Spears
Jessica Simpson

I just hate it that I know anything at all about those people!

Roseann, just keep on keepin' on and we'll keep on prayin'. I see that your sense of humor is intact.

Love and blessings.

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