Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Makes Me Think Blogging May Be Worthwhile

I just wanted to let you know that you, and a couple of others who post on Friends of Jake, have convinced me to come "home" to the Episcopal Church. I am 45 and have been away for about 20 years.

I have been feeling a kind of slow motion shove back toward the church for 2-3 years now. Its hard to explain. Reading you and the other Friends gave me the final push necessary to approach the local priest. Our priest is the son of a priest I knew and loved as a child, so talking to him has been easy (he looks just like his father, and has his love of God and people).

So, between the Holy Spirit, you, Louie Crew, +Robinson, Rev. Ed Bacon and a few people I've known since childhood, here I am again. You, and everyone I mentioned, demonstrate an approach to Christianity and Episcopalianism (is this a word?!) that speaks to my heart and soul. Exclusive, dominating, non-inclusive faith makes me despair. The Episcopal church you all talk about has more than enough room for all.

Thank you.

Mara Spilovoy
Grand Island, Nebraska

This sort of email makes me cry, but, at the same times fills me with joy. I am honored and, at the same time, humbled by the folks with whom Mara names me. Can it be that this blogging business might count for something?

THANK YOU, MARA! And thank you so much for allowing me to publish your email. May God bless you in your new Episcopal church community.


  1. Beautiful. Now let's all make sure we continue to live up to what we say we believe. Please pray the GC will have the courage of our convictions.

  2. Scott, see the prayer on my left sidebar? I pray it often.

    I pray we live up to the Gospel call for the sake of Mara and others like her who come to join us. And for out own sakes, too.

  3. Wow. I think you should forward that to Terry Martin. That's some evidence of evangelizing.


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