Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Myron Update

Dear Friends,

I have a brief update on Myron.

On Monday afternoon Myron underwent surgery to place stabilization plates on 3 ribs on the left side of his chest because he had flailing in his chest. He wasn't able to get a deep inspiration. The pain catheters were again inserted on the left side also so he doesn't require morphine shots. He recovered from that very well.

On Tuesday there was an ultrasound done on his left arm and it was determined there is a blood clot there also, but the filter that was placed in his groin can also be used for the arm. Don't ask me, I don't know how that works. Another CAT scan was performed to check on the cranial bleeds, and they appear to be resolving.

The respiratory therapist was in yesterday and tried on 2 separate occasions to remove Myron from the CPAP (assisted breathing) and place him on the trach collar, and both attempts were unsuccessful as his heart rate elevated. They thought he might be having a panic attack. Today the RT was able to get him on the trach collar for a short while and will attempt this again tomorrow, (Thursday).

A speech therapist was in yesterday also had had My write Eric, Stephanie, and Mary Ann's name on a piece of paper. He was also able to play some tic-tack-toe with Eric.

Today the infectious disease doctor took him off the antibiotics because his lungs were clear, and he wasn't producing any sputum. The antibiotics were causing a slight elevation in his liver enzymes, so it was good to stop them.

I did go to see him this evening and he was attempting to mouth words, and was very active with his right hand. He wanted to hold my hand, but without the latex glove on so he worked at them until they were off, then he took my watch off, and was starting on my rings, when I told him I really didn't want them off. I could see myself fishing around in his bed looking for them.

I'm sorry, I did say this would be brief, but so much is happening to him every day, and I probably only cover part of it.

Blessing to you all,


It's for the long haul, my friends. Let's keep the prayers going for Myron and his family.

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