Thursday, January 28, 2010


From TPM.

As if James O'Keefe hasn't suffered enough indignity after botching an alleged phone tampering operation at a U.S. senator's office [Mary Landrieu], getting arrested, and being photographed leaving jail, the judge in the case has now ordered that he reside with his parents until the next hearing.

Magistrate Judge Louis Moore made the order Tuesday as part of the conditions of release for O'Keefe, 25.

But his father, the elder James O'Keefe, told the AP "I'm confident this was poor judgment ... but not much more." James and Deborah O'Keefe live in New Jersey, the state where Moore ordered the younger O'Keefe to remain while out on bond.

From Mothra in the comments at First Draft:

What I can't believe is that any ACORN person actually thought this guy was a pimp.

I'm thinking no rot in jail time for the kiddies. Fines, probation, something like that. Of course, I could be wrong.

H/T to Adrastos at First Draft.


  1. "What I can't believe is that any ACORN person actually thought this guy was a pimp."

    I thought the same thing. I looked at those filmclips and thought "Suburban white kid dressed up as a pimp from some 1970s Blacksploitation movie."
    I understand that most of the unedited film from which he composed his ACORN "expose" was made up of people telling him to get the hell out of their office.

  2. Jimmy makes for a laughable pimp.

    Counterlight, I hear the same about the "filmmaker's" ACORN videos. We should see the unedited tapes, if they still exist, although we should expect a number of eighteen and a half minute gaps.

  3. I expect that they thought it was something along the lines of Borat without any actual talent.

    No one would've seriously believed that a skinny, horsefaced whitebread twit who looks an underdeveloped 14 would be a pimp.

  4. Of course, if he does spend any prison time, he may get to know what it's like to be someone's ho'.

    Here's hoping.

    wv: feigot - a French homosexual.

  5. I predict that they will avoid prison (they are well-connected white kids, including the Asian guy). But, this will be a huge embarrassment for whoever funded them. That will certainly come out in a trial, or more likely in a plea deal.


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