Saturday, April 17, 2010


Please read John Chilton's piece at The Lead titled An occasion for gay bashing and scapegoating:

Ordained while gay -- it's the new driving while black.

In a revealing campaign, Anglican Mainstream seeks to persuade you that sex with children reveals whether you are gay. And it's using the Catholic sex abuse story to make its claims. (And also is an apologist for that church's handling of sexual abuse.) Anglican Mainstream claims the problem is not with the church, but with homosexuals in the priesthood. According to its website, the "Primatial Adviser" of Anglican Mainstream is The Most Rev Drexel Gomez, former Archbishop of the West Indies who chaired the committee that drafted the Anglican Covenant.
(My emphasis)

John lists articles in Anglican Mainstream which attempt to demonstrate that sex with children shows whether a person is gay. The list is long.

The Draft Committee for the Anglican Covenant tilted in an anti-gay, anti-North American direction from its inception.


  1. And WE'RE the ones who are expected to "mind our manners" all the time. WE'RE the ones who get the withering stare from Sister Dolorosa Excruciata as she says "How could you!" every time we call folks out on this crap and use that accurate and descriptive term "bigot."

  2. It ain't going away, Counterlight. We simply have to keep calling the bigots out.

  3. Shameless (like that's a surprise?) attempt by the Sugden storm-troopers to capitalize on the RCC scandals and taint TEC by non-existent association. Hilarious to see a bunch of FundiGelicals pretending to get their knickers in a twist over attacks on a "conservative traditionalist" pope. For Christianity in action, check out their post of Pope Benedict’s critics don’t care about kids, part of a Washington Times (Moonie-owned, lest we forget) op-ed piece by George Neumayr, editor of the Catholic World Report, whatever the Hell that might be.

    This is a truly nasty smear piece, squarely in the journalistic tradition of Der Stürmer. Its posting here tells all one needs to know (like we didn't learn at Dar-es-Salaam?) about the nature of "Canon Dr" Sugden and buddies. "Christianity" minus Jesus.

    Apropos of nothing, the Washington Times just laid-off 40% of its 370 employees.


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