Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Since I'm feeling a bit weary of blogging, I'm going to take a few days off. No black dog has got hold of me, nothing's wrong, I just want a break. I know I've made similar statements on other occasions and ended up back blogging rather quickly. Who knows? That may happen again. We shall see.


  1. We'll let ya. ;-/

    Come back refreshed, Mimi!

  2. Enjoy your time away and see you when you get back.

  3. Take care, Mimi. It's always best to stop and rest when you feel tired - of doing anything.

    Come back when you're ready. Whenever that is. We'll still be here.

  4. Thanks to all of you for permission and kind words. I'm enjoying my time off.

  5. But, wait, who will be the gentle voice of reason and Southern Hospitality? I might run amuck without your quiet standard of decency and fair-play to ground me daily! Yikes, we´re expected to be adults while Mimi is away? ¨What a revolting development this is¨

  6. Have a couple of wonderful days off, Grandmere!

  7. oh --and I hope and pray you all stay high and dry in the rising waters.

  8. Leonardo, you're all grown up. I deputize you to keep the crowd from running amok.

    I see that you watched "Life of Riley", too.

    margaret, thanks. I believe we will be all right. For the sake of many, I hope and pray the levee holds.

  9. Well Mimi, I thought you'd be back today after your long thread on Facebook, but I was wrong :(

    Conversely, the Mad One is now back on Facebook. I suppose I didn't expect that either.

  10. Cathy, I'm enjoying my break. I need a little more time.

    I went over to Facebook to whisper sweet nothings in MadPriest's ear.

  11. I see that you are clear of the Morganza spillway, which is good to know.

    wv "retable" - a real word and an ecclesiastical one.

  12. We'll be fine here in Thibodaux.

    I'm scheduled to be in New Orleans on May 23rd, the day the river crests there. As long as the levees hold, there won't be a problem.

    We have a retable above where the altar in our church once stood until it was moved out for the priest to face the congregation.

  13. Georgianne, I didn't plan to start up again quite so soon, but events intervened.


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