Wednesday, September 21, 2011


From Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin:
Fourteen-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer posted an “It Gets Better” video last May describing his struggles with the constant bullying he experienced at school. He expressed confidence at that time that his family and friends could carry him through the difficulties. But in the face of renewed bullying at the start of a new school year as a high school freshman, the bullying got worse. it turns out that it wasn’t.
Jamey's video:

Jamey’s father Tim Rodemeyer said, “To the kids who are bullying they have to realize that words are very powerful and what you think is just fun and games isn’t to some people, and you are destroying a lot of lives.”
How heartbreaking! A beautiful young life snuffed out at the age of 14. Jamey is gone because the bullying became unbearable. What are the thoughts of the young people who bullied Jamey now? How many deaths will it take before bullying will be addressed in a serious way by so-called adults?
Almighty God, our Father in heaven, before whom live all who die in the Lord: Receive our brother Jamey into the courts of your heavenly dwelling place. Let his heart and soul now ring out in joy to you, O Lord, the living God, and the God of those who live. Amen.

Almighty God, look with compassion upon the sorrows of all who love Jamey. Remember them, Lord, in your mercy; nourish them with comfort, consolation, and a sense of your goodness; lift up your countenance upon them; and give them peace. Amen.


  1. So, So sad. Prayers for the family and Jamey.

    I have a hard time praying for bullies, and I have to say Mimi, that I think that Jamey's bullies will mostly be unaffected by his death. They think they are perfectly justified in their actions.

  2. susan s., I pray for hearts of stone to turn into hearts of flesh.

  3. Not true, susan s., but thank you. :-)

  4. This is awful.

    I grieve for our world... and hope that those who appear to have hearts of stone (indeed) are moved.

  5. My heart grieves. How many deaths...?

  6. Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, Beautiful Jamey.

    On Earth: JUSTICE!!!!

    wv, "hubbe": whom Jamey didn't live long enough to love. :-(

  7. This reminds us older gays of what a constant battle it remains to be very young and gay. We spend our lives trying to forget those experiences, when maybe justice might be better served by remembering. Life hasn't gotten any better for the very young and gay in all those decades since I was Jamey's age.

  8. Life hasn't gotten any better for the very young and gay in all those decades since I was Jamey's age.

    Sad but true in too many cases, Counterlight. It gets better too late to save some of the very young like Jamey.

    Isn't there enough unavoidable trouble in the world? Why are we determined to inflict further misery on each other?

  9. The President of the United State, Barack Obama spoke in front of the United Nations today for the acceptance of LGBT citizens at all levels of worldwide does get better, yes it does, yet, I too feel the pain for Jamey because I know what Jamey felt/feels, I know those feelings that somehow are overwhelming when one doesn´t understand them well in the first does get better but I truly believe part of what we are seeing is the up front and ¨out¨ emotional sickness of many who abuse and bully others-- their time is running out because there is no place to hide from themselves...the self-loathing is more about them and not about LGBT people. Leonardo/Len

  10. Alas for Jamey. What a sweet face. People do in fact know what they don't let themselves know, and I can only hope his bullies will carry the knowledge of what they did until they reach the point where they have to face it, later in life maybe, but sometime.

  11. Please join the cause. Let his voice be heard. It may be to late for him but its not to late for others


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