Saturday, December 17, 2011


From Bishop George Packard this morning at Occupied Bishop:
Brook and I travel down to Duarte in a few minutes and what awaits us I do not know. I do know that for me and the OWS I know no violence is intended, only peaceful disobedience if it comes to that. You can follow the live stream from noon to five on WBAI radio.

And speaking of "coming to that" I am still baffled that the Episcopal Church of which I have been a member all my life could not--through Trinity--find some way to embrace these thousands of young people in our very diminishing ranks. (Every year for the last five years we have lost 14,000 members.) Just as we pioneered an awareness of the full membership for the LBGT community what's happening here? How hard would it have been for Trinity to convene legal counsel and say, "Give us some options so that a charter could be granted over the winter months?"

I had proposed that to the Rector and I still think it was a solution. Occupy Wall Street gets a home over the winter (one that would offer food for the Homeless and a clinic--truly bring alive dead space) and Trinity would have the assurance that the lease would return to them safe and sound come Spring. Everybody wins.

Which brings me to Archbishop Tutu's second statement. I see no conflict in anything he said with the first statement, really. As I've said to my Occupy friends, "Let's not delude ourselves in thinking the Archbishop would give you permission to break the law. However, he more than anyone knows what creative tension is brought to a cause for justice when you do." His first statement includes a plea for Trinity not to arrest. But the phrase in his statement--I can only assume it was Trinity which portrayed this to him--was that "their door to negotiation was always open."

Readers, that is plainly not true. Even when Occupy tried over the past three weeks to discuss other prophetic alternatives there was no answer. And that condition continues as we board transportation for Duarte Park now.
From Brook Packard in the comments at the Episcopal Café:
The irony that the church traditionally chants the O Wisdom Antiphon on December 17th is not lost on many.

Trinity's handling of this over the past 3 weeks has been a stunning exercise in assumption and rigidity. It has given OWS things OWS neither asked for or really needed. Having had the privilege of getting to know a core group of this "leaderless yet leaderful" (Cornel West) movement I can tell you they are not in need of pastoral care. OWS's structure is more like church than any parish I know.

The one thing this movement needs desperately is a home. And Trinity -with holdings of over 10 billion dollars-can provide that easily.

OWS has requested repeatedly for meetings with Trinity. Had the leadership stepped forward and negotiated OWS- a movement essential to the discussion of income inequality and a true democracy-could be supported in valid way rather than the cosmetic PR-oriented ways Trinity has concocted.

The irresponsibility of the misleading comments of Katharine Jefferts Schori and Mark Sisk indicate how out of touch The Episcopal Church has become and why it has lost one-third of its membership in a decade. Reading the bishops statements one hears the sound of a few more nails in TEC's coffin. It is limited for Jefferts-Schori and Sisk to parrot Trinity's talking points without looking at the plans or reading Occupy Theory. The past 3 weeks could have been an enormous opportunity for the dying TEC and Trinity to embrace the wind of passion and commitment OWS has brought with them.

My husband, Bishop George Packard will join the occupation of what is a "dead zone" in lower Manhattan. Of that I am enormously proud in the best sense of the word. OWS has plans to make this space a garden, to use it as a home for discussion of the occupy principles, and for actions that include occupying foreclosed homes for homeless families. The institutional church will be left behind. Although cynically, I suspect there will be some sort of OWS Lenten study published next year.

I pray that Trinity has a change of heart and opens the gates tomorrow. If not, I pray the NYPD will not be overly zealous with their clubs, sprays, and zip cuffs.

As for the bishops' comments...well, with 20,000 of us leaving TEC each year, is anyone really listening?

Posted by Brook Packard | December 16, 2011 7:18 PM
The post and comment speak for themselves. Pray for the the protestors and the law enforcement officers as they meet at Duarte Square.

UPDATE: Tweets say that Bishop Packard and a priest were arrested. The man in purple this TwitPic looks like the bishop.

UPDATE 2: Jim Naughton posted the picture below at The Lead of Bishop George Packard and the Rev. John Merz as they were arrested this afternoon at Duarte Square.


  1. That this should come down to resorting to cops and attorneys is unbearably sad.

    It seems to me that the underlying issue in so many of these encounters is institutional credibility. Occupy comes out of a wide-spread loss of faith in institutions across the board from governments to churches to businesses. And who can blame people for feeling that way? They've been had by self-serving institutions that habitually lie to them for the sake of expediency.

    I cannot help but feel that this is a tremendous lost opportunity for at least the Episcopal Church to regain at least a little of that lost trust by showing the rest of us who've been treated so contemptuously of late that the church is on our side, and not with the Powers That Be who no one trusts anymore to have anything but their own interests at heart.

  2. Counterlight, from the pictures, Duarte Square is a rather barren plot of land, not a green jewel. Why not let the protestors use the property until spring? They might even decide to move on before spring. It's a missed opportunity, indeed, for the Episcopal Church to bear witness and stand with the Occupiers.

  3. Anything near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel is no bed of roses.

    Kudos to the Bishop and to Fr. Merz for walking the walk as well as talking the talk.


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