Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Andrew Brown in the Guardian:
The Church of England's House of Bishops – for which, read the archbishops of Canterbury and York – has explained how they hope to mollify the opponents of female clergy. The proposals are breathtaking.
From the Code of Practice suggested by the two archbishops:
The House of Bishops does not wish to see any outcome that would entrench radical division or give any impression of a 'two-tier‘ episcopate. Because of their commitment both to this principle and to the most adequate and sustainable provision for theological dissent over the ordination of women, they are seeking a balanced provision within the overall framework that will allow all members of the Church of England to flourish and to pursue the mission to our nation and society that we share.

We are aware as bishops that there are very difficult decisions ahead for many of our clergy and faithful; we want to honour the desire of all who wish to remain loyal Anglicans, fully engaged in this mission. And we are not thinking in terms of a time-limited provision, mindful that such a suggestion was rejected at the Revision stage of amending the legislation under discussion.
Despite the statement above, in the suggested 'Code of Practice' the two archbishops in the Church of England are quite determined to enable prejudice against women bishops and, further, to assure that prejudicial attitudes and practices remain entrenched in the church.

Andrew Brown:
The archbishops envisage that the Church of England, once it has female bishops, will continue ordaining men who do not accept these women, finding them jobs they will deign to accept, and promoting some of them to be bishops who will work to ensure the continued supply of male priests who refuse to accept female clergy. In fact, the church will pay three bishops (the formerly "flying" sees of Ebbsfleet, Richborough, and Beverley) to work full time against their female colleagues, and to nourish the resistance.
Funds are scarce, and yet the CofE will support three bishops to continue to ordain priests who would not consider ordination by a female bishop as valid, because, not only would the women not be real bishops, but they were never even real priests in the first place. How is the support of bishops to prevent candidates for ordination from besmirchment by the laying on of hands by a woman bishop not entrenchment of division?

Code of Practice
In the light of our discussion, the House will continue to uphold these three principles:

• Bishops will continue not to discriminate in selecting candidates for ordination on the grounds of their theological convictions regarding the admission of women to Holy Orders;

• In choosing bishops to provide episcopal ministry under diocesan schemes for parishes requesting this provision, diocesan bishops will seek to identify those whose ministry will be consistent with the theological convictions concerning the ordination of women to the priesthood and episcopate underlying the Letter of Request;

• The archbishops and bishops commit themselves to seeking to maintain a supply of bishops able to minister on this basis. This will obviously have a bearing on decisions about appointments and on the role of bishops occupying the sees of Beverley, Ebbsfleet and Richborough (which will, as a matter of law, continue to exist even after the Episcopal Ministry Act of Synod has been rescinded).
Andrew Brown
Despite all these concessions, there will be female bishops, as there are already female priests, and these will be treated exactly the same as male ones – except by the men who don't want to treat them equally and who believe that God has called them to undermine women's authority wherever it appears.

This is apparently Rowan Williams's idea of justice.
The two archbishops could not get their desired legislation through the previous General Synod and are aware that church members, bishops, and clergy are embarrassed and weary of efforts to cater to the prejudicial "theological convictions" of the squeamish, so now they attempt a new tactic by calling the effort to prolong discrimination against women by a different name, a 'Code of Practice'. Do the archbishops think that by this blatant attempt at subterfuge through name change, they will get the code passed? Perhaps they will. I hope not.

UPDATE: The official title is 'The Illustrative Draft Code of Practice'. I was tempted to omit the letter 'r' from one of the words in the title. The word starts with 'D'.


  1. See Tobias Haller's post re "Monstrous Regiment of Women Redux"


  2. JCF, is Tobias' post better than mine? Of course, I know the answer is yes. ;-)

  3. Mimi, no one's posts are better than yours. :)

  4. Oh Cathy, thank you. You know, sometimes JCF makes me doubt.

  5. 'The archbishops envisage that the Church of England, once it has female bishops, will continue ordaining men who do not accept these women,'

    When will these two.......gentlemen do the Church a favor and step down?

    Essentially it seems to me at least that we're a lot more comfortable accepting, living with and supporting misogeny, bigotry and the objectification of more than half of the Body of Christ, than we are with opening ourselves up to recognizing the grace and vocations of LGBT faithful.

    There are not words to describe this sad insanity...

    Thank-you Mimi for posting this.

  6. The CofE seems to contain a number of different Churches.
    The body is the church at Parish level, where in most cases, female clergy are welcome. The arms and legs are the different traditions. (the left leg being Anglo Catholic, the right leg being evangelical.
    The Right Arm are extreme evangelicals, while the left arm are moderate liberals.

    The heart is General Synod and the head mind is the house of bishops.

    The issue seems to me to be that the mind doesn't agree with the heart and ignores those extremities that it doesn't like unless it contains troublemaker ready to rock the boat (both arms). And it neglects the body as it doesn't have to listen as long as they keep paying their quota.

    So, the head just does what it wants, without consideration or reference to any other part of the body.

    If we functioned in that way, we'd be categorised as suffering from a number of disabilities. Just wondering when the church will realise the same.

  7. David, what if the two gentlemen stepped down? Would their replacements be all that different? I believe the problem is institutional. Their strange ways of appointing bishops and archbishops remain a mystery to me.

    Of course, that's not to say that archbishops who stood against misogyny, homophobia, and bigotry of all kinds would not change the character of the church, for indeed they would.

  8. Anonymous, thanks for commenting, but please make up a name and sign your comment next time.

    I think a good many of the head mind (bishops) agree with the heart, but out of fear or loyalty to Rowan, they don't speak out.

  9. The Consceious Clause by any other name. It is what caused the problems in FTW, San Joachin et. al and finally brought about schism 30 years later. It is ultimate crap.

  10. Muthah, as I see it, you work for change within the institutional church structure, and if you don't like the result, either find a way to live with it, or or move on to a church where your conscience will be clear. I'm sorry when people choose to leave, but I don't buy exceptionalism due to the conscience clause. So, I say: Make up your mind.

  11. All this smoke and mirrors just goes to show that while the practice of Anglicanism may be a lovely thing, the politics are just ungodly.

    I haven't kept up with it all for a long time now, I just see the headlines once in a while, but I suppose Rowan doesn't want to go down in history as the Abp who broke up the Anglican Communion, or the CofE for that matter.

    However, there's a time and place to tell it like it is - cf. Jesus and the moneylenders. Cf. also Neville Chamberlain, whose noble efforts to avert war only made it certain.

    Cf. also the second video here:

  12. It's amazing, these two "Archbishops" stand with one foot firmly planted on either side of the fence, and wonder why everybody hears them singing soprano rather than their intended baritone.

  13. I suppose Rowan doesn't want to go down in history as the Abp who broke up the Anglican Communion, or the CofE for that matter.

    And in the process, Rowan may do just that. Plus, he seems not to consider the price being paid by those he throws under the bus in his attempts to hold things together.

    Wade, I don't understand what the boys think they're doing, but it's obviously not working.

  14. Mimi, sweetie, don't be so insecure. I only meant to indicate you and Tobias were on the same (RIGHTEOUS!) wavelength, is all...

  15. JCF, keep in mind that I am quite fragile. :-)


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