Friday, February 10, 2012


Whatever success resulted from John F Kennedy's carefully crafted efforts to allay fears about a Roman Catholic president being influenced by the Vatican has now been washed away. I'd be uneasy with either of the two Roman Catholic Republican candidates in the White House, because I fear their policies may be influenced by the Vatican.

NOTE: My thought is not entirely original. I read similar thoughts on more than one site on the internet.

UPDATE: A Facebook friend informs me that the Vatican is ALREADY influencing the White House. Sigh...


  1. The Vatican and the USCCB scare the living daylights out of me. At this point I am reluctant to vote for any Catholic for anything. The Bishops are cruising full speed ahead toward a theocracy and I don't like it one bit.

  2. Me too, whiteycat. What is scary is that people pay attention to the braying bishops.

  3. I guess you could say even I pay attention. :-(

    Where's the beef in the bishops' complaints? You'd thing the feds were mandating insurance companies to force birth control pills down women's throats.

  4. In light of the newly-revealed horror stories about JFK, I wonder if that institution, the RCC, in its patriarchy and misogyny, poisons everything it touches.

    I know that's a strong statement.

    But I wonder. (Without external accountability you get "monsters". With or without collars.)

  5. JCF, I can't agree that everything the RCC touches is poisoned. I know good people in the church right now. That's not the sort of sweeping judgement that I can accept. And don't forget that I was a member of the RCC for 60 years.

    I'm not holding up JFK any sort of model of sexual integrity. What does your comment have to do with the substance of my thought?


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