Sunday, July 29, 2012


Yesterday, as I walked still in daylight, the waxing gibbous moon was already high in the sky. The gorgeous sky was pastel blue and the clouds pastel pink from the sun lowering in the west. Then, seemingly in a few seconds, the clouds turned bright orange and the sky a brilliant aqua. The clouds further east became smoky blue. What a splendid and ever-changing panorama. Oh did I ever want a camera to catch the colors and shapes! But perhaps the better thing was to embrace the moments for what they were at that time and place and not try to hold on to them except in my memories.
"The heavens are telling the glory of God;
   and the firmament proclaims his handiwork."
(Psalm 19)


  1. Your verbal picture was as good as a photo, Mimi. Well-written!

  2. Thanks, Tim. The sight was so beautiful, I still feel the awe when I think about it.

  3. Mimi,
    This description made me feel like I was there. I wish I could have seen it! Beautiful.

  4. Ciss, thank you. The sky is often beautiful at sunset, but that particular day the spectacle was outstanding. I'm pleased that my words convey something of what I experienced.

  5. Thanks for the magnificent verbal image!


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