Thursday, July 26, 2012


Mitt Romney on the London Olympics:
The dustup began Wednesday, as Romney, who ran the 2002 Salt Lake City games, said there were "disconcerting" signs in the days before this year's games.

"The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials -- that obviously is not something which is encouraging," he told NBC News.

"Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? And that's something which we only find out once the games actually begin," he said.
Whoa!  Then Mitt Romney backs up:
In comments before meeting with Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, Romney was more measured. "My experience with regards to the Olympics is it is impossible for absolutely no mistakes to occur," he said. "Of course, there will be errors from time to time, but those are all overshadowed by the extraordinary demonstrations of courage, character and determination by the athletes."
Wait!  What about the special Anglo-Saxon relationship that is really special?  The relationship between the US and England that President Obama does not understand because his father is from Africa?
In remarks that may prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.
“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”.

Is the Anglo-Saxon link between England and the United States broken beyond repair?

Is it possible for Mitt Romeny and his campaign staff to be more incompetent?


  1. What's so strange is that the Anglo-Saxon heritage that he is on about actually historically points towards Middle European countries. The Angles and Saxons came from their and invaded, followed by the Normans, who were french, but actually descended from Viking's who conquered Normandy.

    The British race is a history of invasion and migration. Those who might be described as the ancient britons actually are the Welsh and Cornish Celtic peoples, who were forced to the margins by successive invasions.

    My own background is a mix of Irish, Scots and English, due to that very historic migration of peoples.

    For Mr Romney to use the term Anglo-Saxon heritage is misleading. The UK much like the US has a history of accepting migration over the centuries to the racial mix is multi-racial and multi-cultural. It's a disrespect to those peoples who made and built our respective countries. Perhaps he should stick to domestic politics in his home state, among his own people.

    1. Actually, the Ancient Britons were the folks who were invaded and subdued by the Celts around the 6th c BC,

    2. See below about the Spanish connection.

  2. "Anglo-Saxon link", racist in itself, as it harks back to past imperial glories, skates the edge of overt racism when one considers which presidential candidate utterly fails the "Anglo-Saxon" test. Romney's slip is showing and it looks awfully like a Klan sheet.

    1. What the inept Romney campaign staff seem not to know is that the pros try out certain racist code words and phrases in particular places which harbor a good many racists and where you're not likely to get much national or international news coverage. You don't throw the thinly-veiled, racist commentary around when visiting another country.

  3. Agreed, Anglo-Saxon has some definite overtures of racism given that the British are very mixed; many have ancestors from the West Indies, India, Pakistan, Nigeria etc.. In addition Obama's father was a subject of the British Empire so, in some vague senses, Obama is closer to the United Kingdom than Romney (whose links if any are far further back). Obama was also born and raised in part in Hawaii which has the Union Jack as part of its flag.

    1. Good point, Erp. Besides, Obama has Irish ancestors on his mother's side, which was made much of when he visited Ireland.

  4. This is what Prime Minister David Cameron had to say about Romney's Olympic comments: “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic games in the middle of nowhere.”


    1. Chris, I watched it all on the tee vee. The mayor of London had a thing or two to say about Romney's criticism, too.

    2. Making Boris sound like a credible statesman is quite an achievement for Mr. Romney.

  5. Stunning! If this is his idea of statesmanship we do not need him at the helm. Also trying to pathetically keep alive the lie that our President is not an American citizen just points to the fact that he doesn't have any real campaign issues to bring to the table. He also just insulted quite a few citizens in our country who prefer to be known as African-Americans.

    I would hope that we would be defined by the heritage of our constitution. I think Mr. Romney's comments put him into the category of America extra-lite.

    1. Worse than Bush when it comes to misspeaking? I didn't think it was possible.

      From my position as an armchair psychologist, I believe Romney is being fed talking points that he really doesn't think through, before he spews them out like a robot. Romney's changed his position on so many issues, I doubt he can keep straight in his mind what is the correct position for a Republican candidate for the presidency. Added to that he has to appeal to a wider constituency than the Tea Party in a national campaign, but the tea partiers continue to hold Romney's feet to the fire on the issues that are dear to their hearts.

    2. Whatever happened to the idea that, "Silence is golden?" There would be no need to fix or back peddle then!

    3. We can't have another 4 years of embarrassment. We just can't. And the embarrassment will be the least of our troubles.

  6. I remember reading about the genetic study several years ago.

    People of Celtic ancestry were thought to have descended from tribes of central Europe. But Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University, said: "About 6,000 years ago Iberians developed ocean-going boats that enabled them to push up the Channel.

    "Before they arrived, there were some human inhabitants of Britain, but only a few thousand. These people were later subsumed into a larger Celtic tribe... the majority of people in the British Isles are actually descended from the Spanish."


    1. I wondered why I like Paella.

    2. Great show. I have the series on video. Time to watch again. I laugh out loud still, even when I can recite the dialogue along with the actors.

    3. And watching the opening of the Olympics reminded that this is the third time Britian has hosted these games, the last in very difficult circumstances. How could Romney not remember this and pay tribute to this wonderful accomplishment?

      Also, and don't you just love this, their opening ceremonies include honoring their health care system.

    4. Bonnie, I suppose I should make the announcement here, as I did on Facebook, that I probably will watch little or none of the Olympics. However, I'm happy that Britain honored their health care system.

      Romney seems such a mental klutz at times that I wonder if he's thinking at all.


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