Friday, July 20, 2012


Is there no escape from this myth of redemptive violence?  Yes, there is, but it is difficult.  To face the fear of enemies would finally require us to acknowledge our own inner evil, and that would cost us all our hard-earned self-esteem.  We would have to change, laboriously, struggling daily to transform or redeem our shadow side.  We would have to see ourselves as no different in kind from our enemy (however different we may be in degree).  It would mean seeing God in the enemy as we learn to see God in ourselves - a God who loves and forgives and can transform even the most evil person or society in the world.  Such insight would require conversion from the myth of redemptive violence to the God proclaimed by the prophets and by Jesus.  We would have to abandon our preferential option for violence and replace it with a preferential option for the oppressed.  We could no longer rely on absolute weapons for the utter annihilation of an absolute enemy.  We could no longer justify unchristian means to preserve at all costs the hollow shell of a "Christian civilization" that has, in effect, been filled with the creed of redemptive violence.

(Engaging the Powers - Walter Wink)


  1. Which would mean getting rid of all links between church and state, including Establishment in Scandinavia and England and income taxes in German-speaking/influenced places and tax credits here in North America.
    But not even the most "progressive" religious people are calling for that. They're pleased to denounce "Caesar" but whine like dogs when they're tax privileges get challenged.

    1. Oh dear! Another Anonymous, or the same Anonymous? Please if you comment again, make up a name and sign your comment, or I will have to delete.

      I certainly do not favor established religions. As to tax exemptions, that could be open to discussion, especially considering the political activities of certain religious leaders.

  2. Grandmere --thank you for all these posts by W. Wink. They are whole food to my hungry heart.

    1. As Wink's words are to me, margaret. I'm reading his book at just the right time. Of course, his words are right for any time...right for the ages.


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