Friday, August 24, 2012


Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe:
“I’m just tired of the Republican Party being the ‘Stupid Party!’.  Stupid people saying stupid things and scaring off independent voters and swing voters!”
~Joe Scarborough 


  1. Well, at least he knows that, how do you get all the stupid people to stop saying stupid things (and actively doing ugly things against fellow citizen)?

    1. How do you stop Joe Scarborough? At least, Joe has outer limits to the stupidity he will swallow.

  2. Who was it said, "Stupid is as stupid does."? My only fear in all this is that the common sense of the vast number of the people will be eroded by the vast stupidity of a few of the people.

    1. Tobias, well said.

      And those of us who think of ourselves as on the smart side or the right side mustn't lose sight of the pitfalls in our own paths.

    2. Tobias, I think it was Forest Gump that said that - and he was right!

  3. Amen, Mimi. The worst mistake would be to think "He / She can only do so much harm" or "We'll keep him / her under control" -- thats what the Weimar folk thought about Hitler, and, for that matter, the curia thought about John XXIII -- so it cuts both ways! Long story short, vote for the person you really want to see in office because you agree with his/her policies and performance. To do otherwise is its own form of stupid!

    1. Tobias, I ask myself which candidate will do the least harm, and, this time around, the choice is easy for me, especially since Jesus is not on the ballot. :-) This is not the time for a make-a-statement vote. It never is. I voted that way once, and I've regretted it ever since.

  4. "The person I really want to see in office because I agree with their policies and performance" isn't running. That leaves me with Mimi's "candidate that will do the least harm."

  5. The Stupid Party! What a marvelous name! Though I am rather partial to what they used to (or still do?) call the Tories in the UK - the Nasty Party. Though Cameron seems much more like a moderate Democrat to me.

    Maybe the S&N Party? It all fits.

    1. And Joe Scarborough said it. All the parties in England, except the neo-Nazi party, are to the left of our Democrats.


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