Saturday, September 15, 2012


My brother-in-law sent me the link to the video, which I think is a rather nicely done tribute to the Queen in honor of her Diamond Jubilee.


  1. I couldn´t make it run...sorry, I´m certain it´s nicely done...have a wonderful weekend, it´s Indepence Day here (all of Central America). Best, Len

  2. Yes, got it! Lots of hats and crowns and jewels...nice idea, it seemed a little spooky to me somehow.

    1. I think it was that some of them morphed into Mad Hatter type hats at the same moment as the super big smile. But overall very nice. Can't remember ever seeing so many smiles. I often think of her as quite somber-serious.

    2. Yes, it's a little spooky to see a person age over 80 years in just a few minutes, but it's fascinating to watch.

      I've heard the Queen has quite a sense of humor, and she's not above a dry witticism herself.

  3. The "Chariots of Fire" music got very annoying very quickly, but the morph sequence is really amazing. Thanks for posting.

    Bonnie - the Queen behaves in a dignified way in public, as she should, but in private she's quite a smiley, jokey person. Look up the 1992 documentary "Elizabeth R" sometime and you'll see lots of examples of her smiling side.

    1. Russ, I thought the same about the choice of music.

      I gather Prince Philip is known to use salty language from time to time, and there are his unfortunate gaffes.... The Queen would have to have a sense of humor. Check out the link and the expression on the young woman's face.

    2. Philip says what he thinks, naval-officer style, for good or ill. Though it occurs to me to wonder whether the Queen wasn't attracted to him in the first place because he can say all the things she can't!?

  4. Watching the morphing I caught a glimpse of her resemblance to Margaret and toward the end a bit of her mother as well. Her smile is what continues to come through though.

    1. Ciss B, I see glimpses of her mother all through the morphing. I'd pretty much forgotten what Margaret looked like, but I checked pictures and the two resembled one another quite a bit. The queen does have a lovely smile.

  5. Totally saw margaret. And let's admit, a monarch who could play James bond for the Olympics.... she's grand.

  6. When I think of vocation, I think of Elizabeth. She made it clear from day one she considered reigning her vocation, and she has always been faithful to that call. Would that other world "leaders" saw their leading as responding to God and not to those being lead. God save the Queen!

    1. cloud-hidden, I agree. Elizabeth takes what she considers her vocation very seriously, and she has been faithful. She learned from her father who remained with his family in dangerous London during the Blitz to show the English people that they would face the war together.

  7. I swear, these days I'm pretty sure she's dragged a bunch of the Queen Mum's old hats out of mothballs...

    1. And why not, Kirke? The hats probably cost a bundle, and then there may be sentiment attached to the recycled hats. Still, on second thought, most of the Queen's outfits seem to be coordinated from top to toe, so unless the rest of the outfit is matched with the old hats, it's not likely that she wears her mom's hats.


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