Thursday, September 12, 2013


Crusty old James Gill, whose columns I've read seemingly forever, and whom The Advocate managed to steal away from the New Orleans Times Picayune when Advance Publications decided to reduce the paper edition to only three days a week, writes about Edwin Edwards' appearance on Larry King Now.
Edwards told King that he has finally “found something good to use Republicans for — sleep with them.” He would have expressed that sentiment less politely in the days before a Republican became his third wife and mother of his infant son, Eli.

One Republican got no sympathy whatsoever in Edwards’ interview with King: “I don’t understand the man,” Edwards said of Gov. Bobby Jindal. “He’s sitting on a program which would provide immediate health benefits for 300,000 to 400,000 people in Louisiana, and he refuses to sign onto it. He’s a different sort of person.”
Former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards, the crook, is indeed a better man than the fine, upstanding Catholic Christian Bobby Jindal, who denies health insurance to hundreds of thousands of Louisiana citizens to further his own political ambitions.  Edwards would never have refused to implement a program such as Medicaid Expansion which would provide health benefits to many low income people in the state.  With Edwards, I don't understand a man such as Bobby Jindal.

Has Bobby Jindal ever read one word of Roman Catholic social justice teachings?  Does Jindal pay any attention at all to Pope Francis' many statements about preferential treatment for the poor?  How could he and remain so focused on his own selfish political ambitions even as the people of Louisiana go wanting for decent health care?  Shame on you, Bobby Jindal.


  1. With all these Republicans, their religion is just a cover, sheep's clothing, for their predatory ways. They are the Pharisees of today, and will one day be judged accordingly.

    Edwards I don't know anything about, being a furriner not a Louisianan, but you all collectively certainly seem to love colorful politicians. But even old Huey Long, who as I recall may have been a crook and was certainly a demagogue, at least he did do many good things for the people - roads, bridges, schools, etc.

    Jindal is all me me-me-me-me-me. Utterly selfish and utterly heartless, like some Texas pols I could name.

    1. Aside from the crookedness, Edwards was a fairly decent governor, which is one reason he is still well regarded by a good many people in Louisiana. He mostly didn't lie, except about his backroom money dealings. His base consisted of poor people and black people, and he would not have turned on them. Edwards visited black churches and told them, "I don't drink; I don't smoke; two out of three is not bad." He's right when he says in the interview that he was the last populist governor.


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