Showing posts with label Counterlight's Peculiars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Counterlight's Peculiars. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


From Kirstin at Barefoot and Laughing:

I’m not a mutant. The doctor at UCSF called about an hour ago. Not quite sure what happens next. UCSF will take my scans to their neurologists on Thursday, and they’ll say whether or not I’m eligible for gamma-knife. If I am, we do it, and cytotoxic chemo. (I don’t expect to be eligible; I’ve been told I have too many tumors.) If I’m not, he says ipiluminab is the best bet. I can get that through Kaiser or UCSF. I'd rather have him keep treating me, so that's what I think we’ll do. (My MediCal covers it. My doctor at Kaiser looks depressed every time he sees me. This one still has enthusiasm, and knows so much more of the current research.)

Kirstin has courageously fought melanoma for three years now. Please pray for Kirstin and all those who care for her.

Please pray for those who died in the recent tornadoes in Joplin, Missouri, in Minnesota, in Oklahoma, and in Arkansas. Pray for all who loved the people who died. Pray for those who lost everything.

Photo from The Huffington Post.

Counterlight posted horrifying videos, two filmed live during the tornadoes and one showing the aftermath.

Friday, April 8, 2011

TIME TO SEND YOU AWAY... read two excellent blog posts. I've included quotes to entice you to read further.

First from Doug on the miserable State of the Union at his blog Counterlight's Peculiars:
These days, we find ourselves in a fun house world of morality where a large group of already very wealthy people committed what is probably the largest act of larceny in history, almost wrecking the global economy, and yet it is the rest of us suffering the consequences who are told to feel ashamed for our wanton ways. Our representatives go out of their way to coddle the very people who ruined us all, and meanwhile try to take away our last remaining protections against the predations of the market economy. They tell us solemnly to "take responsibility," while dodging their own responsibility for creating this whole crisis. People who keep overseas tax shelters, even in times of war and crisis, are congratulated on their patriotism.

Next on the daft Anglican Covenant from Lionel at Lionel Deimel's Weblog:
Alas, Rowan has increasingly become a threat to the Church of England and to the Anglican Communion. He is, in the end, a political appointee of the English government who has exploited the respect given his office to wield power he has not been granted, to interfere in the affairs of churches not his own—rumor has it that Rowan’s was the hand behind B033, for instance—and to press for a Covenant that will change the nature of the Anglican Communion and, some would say, of Anglicanism itself.

The rich want more money, and the powerful want more power, and to hell with the rest of us.