Showing posts with label deception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deception. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013


Talking Points Memo reveals the latest schemes by health insurance companies to deceive policy holders about their options under the Affordable Health Care Act.
Across the country, insurance companies have sent misleading letters to consumers, trying to lock them into the companies' own, sometimes more expensive health insurance plans rather than let them shop for insurance and tax credits on the Obamacare marketplaces -- which could lead to people like Donna spending thousands more for insurance than the law intended. In some cases, mentions of the marketplace in those letters are relegated to a mere footnote, which can be easily overlooked.

The extreme lengths to which some insurance companies are going to hold on to existing customers at higher price, as the Affordable Care Act fundamentally re-orders the individual insurance market, has caught the attention of state insurance regulators.

The insurance companies argue that it's simply capitalism at work. But regulators don't see it that way. By warning customers that their health insurance plans are being canceled as a result of Obamacare and urging them to secure new insurance plans before the Obamacare launched on Oct. 1, these insurers put their customers at risk of enrolling in plans that were not as good or as affordable as what they could buy on the marketplaces.
I read this statement recently on Facebook:
"Just heard a WH Advisor on the news say if your health insurance isn't changed or cancelled you can keep it...said it with a straight face."
I agree that the White House could have phrased the statement better. Certain people with private health insurance policies will receive cancellation notices from their insurance companies because their policies will no longer be sold, as they do not meet the MINIMUM standards under Obamacare (or Romneycare, if you will). In other words, the policies are SHIT and do not adequately protect policy holders from the cost of health care for catastrophic illness or accident.  The policy holders who have received cancellations will be able to find policies which provide adequate coverage at reasonable cost through the Affordable Health Care marketplaces. 

Pardon the vulgarity, but I am beyond anger at the deception by insurance companies and Republicans who do not want Americans to have affordable health care. Their actions are despicably evil. To paraphrase Joseph Welch at the Army-McCarthy hearings:
"You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir]s and mesdames], at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

Saturday, February 11, 2012


The Vatican

From the New York Times:
The nation’s Roman Catholic bishops have rejected a compromise on birth control coverage that President Obama offered on Friday and said they would continue to fight the president’s plan to find a way for employees of Catholic hospitals, universities and service agencies to receive free contraceptive coverage in their health insurance plans, without direct involvement or financing from the institutions.
The Roman Catholic Church will take matters to the courts, and they will call upon Congress for relief from their oppression.
Already three lawsuits have been filed against the birth control mandate, two by religious colleges and one by a Catholic media outlet.

The bishops will also renew their call for lawmakers to pass the “Respect for Rights of Conscience Act,” which would exempt both insurance providers and purchasers — and not just those who are religiously affiliated — from any mandate to cover items of services that is contrary to either’s “religious beliefs or moral convictions.”
Whoa! Internal divisions are developing.
However, the bishops are now facing a potential rift with some of their allies who welcomed the compromise yesterday — including Catholic Charities, the Catholic Health Association, which represents Catholic hospitals across the country and individual Catholic Democrats and liberals who had helped persuade the administration to make the change.

James Salt, executive director of Catholics United, a liberal advocacy group that is organizing support for the Obama administration, said, “The bishops’ blanket opposition appears to serve the interests of a political agenda, not the needs of the American people.”
It's about time!

Is it possible that President Obama will offer further concessions to bullying, celibate, old men, who experience nothing of the costs and difficulties of family life?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The Vatican

I've spoken of the heavy-handed tactics of the Roman Catholic Church in which the leaders and their true-believer followers, including Rick Santorum and the converted Newt Gingrich, accuse the Obama administration of waging war on Roman Catholics. I've written about their practice of deception by omission in never mentioning that they already provide health insurance coverage for contraceptives in 28 states that mandate coverage. Whatever reasoning the bishops use to square the coverage with their consciences, I'd suggest that they apply that same reasoning to the remaining 22 states and stop crying, 'Persecution!' Enough already!

However, should the bishops continue to prefer deceptive, political power plays to telling the truth, I recommend that the prelates and their true-believer followers visit their fellow Christians in countries in the Middle East and Africa, where real persecution of Christians is happening. Perhaps then they'd stop their pathetic braying. The group generates more heat and noise than their true numbers warrant. What they do is shameful.

Remember that RC bishops stand in obedience to the pope, a foreign head of state. Why should a foreign head of state have such great influence in the processes of government in the US?

For more light on the subject, I refer you to IT's post at The Friends of Jake and Rmj's post at Adventus.

Picture from Wikipedia.