Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On The Other Hand....

Diligent citizen that I am, I read the transcript of President Obama's news conference and watched the entire video. I'm grateful that Obama seems to be capable of thinking on his feet and expressing his thoughts articulately and coherently during the question/answer period of the news conference, which is a massive shift from the off-the-cuff remarks of our previous president, who was always in perilous territory when he was speaking on his own. Obama actually seems to be knowledgeable about the issues and able to grasp the details of policies and problems without a script.

So. If you ask me, "Is our presidents learning?" my response would have to be, "Yes!" Nevermind that we had to change presidents in order for me to give an affirmative response.

The video of the entire news conference is at Politics Daily. The transcript is at the New York Times.

What I Wrote To My Congress People

Dear Senators Landrieu and Vitter, and Rep. Melancon,

The citizens of the country want the public option included in health care legislation. Despite tremendous pressure from the groups who give you money, lobbyists for the health insurance industry, the drug industry, and the AMA, for you to vote against it, the people whom you are elected to serve want the public option. It's time to pay attention to the ordinary citizens of the country.

Thank you for your attention.

I followed up with a phone call to their offices in DC suggesting that they take a position for the inclusion of the public option in health care legislation and asking for their positions on the matter. I'm waiting for a call-back from one of the offices, and the other two have not taken a position as yet. Cagey, huh?

What are the chances that the three will pay attention to my calls or emails? Slim to none, I'd say, but I have to make the effort.

What President Obama said today about the public option from CBS News:

President Obama on Tuesday said it is too early for him to say whether he will insist that a government-sponsored health care plan, or "public option," be included in health care reform. He did say, though, that a public option makes sense.

"I think (a public option) is an important tool to discipline insurance companies," Mr. Obama said.

Pressed on whether he would insist on a public plan in health care reform efforts, however, he said, "We have not drawn lines in the sand other than reform has to control costs and has to provide relief to people who don't have health insurance or are under-insured."

The president told reporters that the public plan should be included in the health insurance exchange -- the marketplace of consumer options – that Congress' health reform package is expected to establish.

72% of those polled support the inclusion of a public option in health care legislation.

He also pushed back against the claim, most recently expressed by health insurance industry groups in a letter sent to Congress today, that a public option will drive out private competitors and ultimately leave consumers with fewer choices.

"Why would it drive insurance out of business?" the president asked. "If private insurers say the marketplace provides the best quality health care, why is it the government, which they say can't run anything, suddenly is going to run them out of business? That's not logical."

An excellent point! But, if the public option is not included in the legislation, what will the president do? He doesn't say. Cagey, huh?

72% of the public against the health insurance companies, the drug companies, and the AMA? Whom are the the president and the Congress elected to serve, the citizens or those who give big money to politicians? Well, we know the answer, but do our elected politicians know the answer?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Feast Day Of Alban - First Martyr Of Britain

St Alban from a window in the Lady Chapel by Charles Kempe (Edgar Carter) 1885

Alban lived (at some time during the 3rd century) in the Roman city of Verulamium. Although he was then a worshipper of Roman gods including the emperor, he gave shelter to a Christian priest fleeing from persecution. Influenced by the priest's prayer and teaching he became a Christian.

When the authorities discovered the priest's hiding place Alban exchanged clothes with him. The priest escaped and Alban was bound and taken before the judge. The judge was furious at the deception, and ordered that Alban should receive the punishment due to the priest, if he had indeed become a Christian.

Alban declared his Christian faith, saying in words still used here as a prayer "I worship and adore the true and living God, who created all things." Despite flogging he refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods and was sentenced to death.

He was brought out of the town, across the river and up a hill to the site of execution where his head was cut off.


Psalm 34:1-8 or 31:1-5
1 John 3:13-16
Matthew 10:34-42


Almighty God, by whose grace and power your holy martyr Alban triumphed over suffering and was faithful even unto death: Grant to us, who now remember him with thanksgiving, to be so faithful in our witness to you in this world, that we may receive with him the crown of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Biography of Alban and image from the website of St. Alban's Cathedral in England.

"Ask Not" - A Documentary On "Don't Ask/Don't Tell"

Last night, I watched "Ask Not" a documentary on the "don't ask/don't tell" policy in the US military produced by Independent Lens, which is now showing on public television stations around the country. I rate the documentary highly and well-worth taking the time to watch. At the web site is a link to help you find the show times for the documentary in your area.

Around the time of the beginning of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, more than 300 linguists, who spoke languages specific to the missions, were discharged from the US military services. How stupid and how dangerous!

"Here's To The Violets" - Patricia Clarkson

Many have posted already, but it's quite a good speech, so here it is for your reading pleasure, copied from Katie Sherrod at Desert's Child.

"Academy Award-nominated and Emmy-winning actress Patricia Clarkson spoke at a Human Rights Coalition event. This was posted at the Huffington Post. Here's what she said:"
Here's the text of a speech I wrote with my friend Ron Marasco for the Human Rights Campaign's recent gala in New Orleans.

I am so happy to be with all of you tonight. To celebrate the work you do--and to have a bourbon or two later.

The great Tennessee Williams wrote---

--of course I'm starting with Tennessee Williams. I'm in New Orleans, at the HRC gala, and I played Blanche DuBois.

Which is why I never go anywhere without a paper lantern in my purse.

Tennessee Williams wrote a line that I felt was appropriate for tonight. And appropriate to this time in our history, your history, and to the rights that everyone in this room is fighting for. It is a line that meant so much to him, it's on his gravestone.

"The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks."
"The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks."

To me, its meaning is simple. The hard, the cold, the oppressive will--at long last--be broken apart by a force that is beautiful, natural, colorful, alive.

That's what tonight is about, what the people in this room are about. We're a bunch of violets breaking through the rocks.

And it is happening.

The rock is cracking away. The rock of hate and falsehood is being broken apart.

All across this country, regular Americans who were born and bred in towns where a gay couple wouldn't dare walk down a street--all over these American Main Streets--something is changing.

Blue-collar guys are looking up from their work, grandmothers are speaking up at the dinner table; and they are saying something to members of their family, and co-workers, who are against gay marriage.

They are saying in one, increasingly-loud American voice, "Honey, rather than worry about who someone else loves--and why, think about who you hate--and why!"

The violets are breaking through the rocks.

America has always been a country of common sense. A country of innate goodness--although a goodness that is sometimes slow to action. As Winston Churchill said, "Americans are always ready to do the right thing. After they have exhausted all the other possibilities."

We have exhausted all the other possibilities. And it is time to call an injustice an injustice.

It is an injustice that we send a gay or lesbian soldier to die in a war--to give their life for a country that won't let them be legally bound to the person they love. It is an injustice that a soldier gives their life for a Military--an exemplary Military in every way--except one in which they cannot have the picture of their lover cut-out in the shape of a heart and taped to their locker because that would be "telling." Such a ugly word.

It is an injustice that, in this room, many of you pay your tax money to the very public institutions that deny you rights other Americans enjoy; pay your tax money for public schools that will not accept you as legal parents; pay your tax money for the paper on which they print the goddamn marriage licenses you cannot get.

And while you are paying your tax money for all of the above, a preacher can stand in the pulpit of a multi-million-dollar mega-church advocating the damnation of gay Americans and not pay one thin dime in taxes.

You know, I occasionally watch those preachers on the Christian TV stations.

I always think to myself: How can I believe your theology when I can't believe your hair?

I find it intellectually offensive when people shrink the Bible to fit the small-mindedness of their bigotry.

Leviticus 18:22 and Deuteronomy 22:5...the famous list of the "abominations." Bible verses which, by the way, also list as a mortal sin things like "the wearing of a garment made of two different kinds of fabric."

Yes, the Bible verse they use to condemn homosexuality also calls Polyester-blend an abomination.

Well, in this, perhaps the Lord has a point. But if you took away all the Polyester-blends in those mega-churches....most of the women would be naked.

In my Bible I see no evidence of Jesus telling same-sex couples they cannot love each other.
And he could have. He was a carpenter--if he made good furniture every gay man in Nazareth knew Him.

The fact is: it's happening.

All the violets--gay Americans, lesbian Americans, Bi-sexual Americans, transgender Americans, people of color, and the people of this city forgotten by Washington in hurricane Katrina--we are all are starting to break through the mountain of straight, white, male lawmakers in Washington.

Their time is over. And they know it. Which is why they are looking increasingly ridiculous and beleaguered. To me those guys look like one, big casting-call for the lead role in a very bad production of Death of Salesmen.

Because America is starting to say those lawmakers are wrong about "Don't ask don't tell," and wrong to oppose gay marriage. The way they were wrong, wrong, wrong about the war in Iraq.
A war that was created by who? A straight, white man named George W. Bush. A straight, white man named Dick Cheney. And a straight, white man named Condoleezza Rice.

The rocks are breaking. And it's time to call certain people on the hypocrisy of their stance against gay marriage.

Newt Gingrich: against gay marriage, but on his third wife.

That recent convert to an anti gay-marriage stance, Rudy Giuliani: third wife. Rush Limbaugh: vehemently against gay marriage and....yep, third wife. A third wedding that was performed by none other than Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Clarence Thomas: second wife.

4 men, eleven marriages, and you must be lectured on love by them? This Mount Rushmore of Divorce!

Ladies and gentlemen, as all of you in this room know so well, political activism tells us now what history will tell us later.

The people who support "don't ask don't tell;" and who oppose "gay marriage" are wrong. And their children and grandchildren will know they were wrong.

This is the age of Obama. And the people who oppose these causes need to realize that. But there is someone else who needs to realize that this is the Age of Obama.


It is time, Mr. President. Do not fall behind others on these issues. My God, Dick Cheney announced that he is in favor of gay marriage.

And on that very day, the National Weather Service reported hell froze over.

So Mr. President, please catch up. Or you are in danger of being considered "just to the right" of a man who is "just to the left" of Vlad-the-Impaler.

Newsweek magazine just said about gay marriage--and I quote: "This train's left the station. Time to get on board."

It is happening.

Something is changing.

Oh--there is still a lot of work to be done. But it will happen.

And when it does--when "Don't ask don't tell" is scrapped, when gay men and women can marry the people they love--when that day comes, people across this great land will be looking for a place to party.

And I say: Come on down to New Orleans! I'll be so happy I might swing naked in a window on Bourbon Street!

Me and Rachel Maddow!

Yes, across America we will celebrate because, at long last, that day will have arrived. But to the people in this room--that day will not only have arrived for you, it will have arrived because of you.

Thank you HRC. Here's to the violets.

Thanks to David@Montreal.

UPDATE: And just in case you didn't know, Patricia and I are both native daughters of New Orleans. I am so very proud of her.

UPDATE 2: Elizabeth Kaeton at Telling Secrets has the video of Clarkson's speech.

PS: Watching Clarkson give the speech is much better than reading it. She's wonderful.

Inside Iran

Juan Cole posts excellent information and commentary on Iran at his blog Informed Comment.

There were no large rallies on Sunday, which the BBC attributes to the security forces fanning through the streets. But the security forces had fanned through the streets on Saturday, too. More likely, the reformists were regrouping after the violence and clamp down on Saturday, which left up to 13 dead. Those 13, including the unarmed young woman known as Neda Agha Sultan (1983-2009)--whose murder by a Basiji was caught on camera--need to be mourned. The authorities cancelled memorial service for her at Nilufar Mosque. Likely it will now be held in the streets.

Nico Pitney at Huffington Post continues to live-blog the events in Iran.

West Africa Anglicans To Ordain Women

From Ghana Broadcasting Organization:

The Arch-Bishop of the Province of West Africa and Accra Diocese of the Anglican Church Most Rev. Dr. Justice Offei Akrofi has declared that the Diocese of Accra has finally agreed to the ordination of women as Priests of the Church. He said the issue which has been on board for almost 10 years is a breakthrough for the Accra Diocese. He made this known at the closing ceremony of the 20th Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Accra.

Good news, indeed! Thanks be to God. Once again, we are reminded that Anglican Africa is not a monolith.

Thanks to David@Montreal for the link.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Please Pray

Jim said...

I guess this is as good a thread as any. Please pray for Luella. She is nearly 80 and was in emergency surgery after a trip and fall broken hip Saturday. She came through the surgery OK and is now in recovery. She is Sue-z's and my friend. Pray also for strength and comfort for Brad her husband who is deeply worried for her. She is a heart patient and takes Plavix so any surgery carries a hemorrhage risk.


Greetings Of The Day

For Fathers

Let us praise those fathers who have striven to balance the demands of work, marriage, and children with an honest awareness of both joy and sacrifice. Let us praise those fathers who, lacking a good model for a father, have worked to become a good father.

Let us praise those fathers who by their own account were not always there for their children, but who continue to offer those children, now grown, their love and support. Let us pray for those fathers who have been wounded by the neglect and hostility of their children.

Let us praise those fathers who, despite divorce, have remained in their children's lives. Let us praise those fathers whose children are adopted, and whose love and support has offered healing.

Let us praise those fathers who, as stepfathers, freely choose the obligation of fatherhood and earned their step children's love and respect. Let us praise those fathers who have lost a child to death, and continue to hold the child in their heart.

Let us praise those men who have no children, but cherish the next generation as if they were their own.

Let us praise those men who have "fathered" us in their role as mentors and guides.

Let us praise those men who are about to become fathers; may they openly delight in their children.

And let us praise those fathers who have died, but live on in our memory and whose love continues to nurture us.

Kirk Loadman

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

(Numbers 6:24-26)

Thought For The Day - Richard Rohr

We all have to find a Source for our loving, and then find places to give that love away.

From "Daily Meditation".