Saturday, July 14, 2007

Happy Bastille Day!

Thanks to Ormonde and Dennis for the reminder. Ormonde at Through The Dust has the words for the "La Marseillaise" in French and English on his blog. Go read them. Oy!


  1. My hyperlinks are just not linking:

    Sorry about that.

  2. Abas le Roi! Vive La Nation!
    Liberte! Egalite! Fraternite!

    Vive La France!

    Our ancestral country, ancient and ever new!

  3. We have the words from Ormonde, and now we have the music, thanks to Counterlight.

    I believe the link works.

  4. I noted this in morning prayers this morning

    Liberte! Egalite! Fraternite!

    Vive La France!

    What more is there?

  5. My personal favorite recording of La Marseillaise is, believe it or not, by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, David Zinman conducting. I'm hearing it in my head and humming along. Here's to the French and to our friendship with them!

  6. Jane, thanks for that - the dueling anthems.


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