Saturday, July 14, 2007

Your Right Hand Thief

I know that I kinda, sorta took the pledge against posting further about David Vitter's present tribulations, but the New Orleans bloggers are on a roll. Does it count if I use only quotes from others?

While I'm waiting for your answers, I give you Oyster again:

We constantly hear "Well, if David Vitter's wife forgave him then so should we".

No we shouldn't.

Wendy Vitter's forgiveness of her husband simply doesn't matter to me. It doesn't! Repeat with me "It just doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter...".

Why doesn't it matter? For myriad reasons, of course, but let's just remind everyone that Vitter is our political representative, not our husband. We don't have kids with Vitter, we have our own kids to worry about.


  1. Thank God he isn't my husband! And double thanks I don't have children by that man!

  2. Pat, imagine what his family is going through right now. They need our prayers, as does David Vitter, himself.

  3. Mimi et al.,
    Need some prayers. I have to testify in a church trial on Mon. in which I must say things against my bishop. I am in the process of being called to a Lutheran Church this month and don't want him to scotch it. But I must tell the truth. It is not a plesant place to be.

  4. Muthah+, I will pray. It is, indeed, not a good place to be. God bless you and give you strengh and courage.

  5. Geez, Muthah+ that is one terrible place in which to be! I will pray for you and add you to the pray list at San Cristóbal. Be strong!

  6. Muthah+: That sounds like a nightmare. With Mimi and el Padre (and God, of course) behind you, you should be okay, but just in case, I'll add prayers.

  7. It's kind of weird to be reading about him in Douglas Brinkley's The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Coast.

    Prayers for Muthah!

  8. Prayers for Muthath+ and for Mimi, this:
    Post whatever matters to you. I'll read it.

  9. Caminante, for what it's worth, I never liked him - not personally, but as my senator. I'll say this for him: he was unfailingly polite and responsive, although we disagreed on everything, and I mostly contacted him to criticize his votes or to ask him to vote for something that I knew he would not vote for.

    Nina, thanks. It's good to have permission even after the fact. ;o)

  10. Prayers for David Vitter the butthat, and Muthah...for completely different reasons.

    And I agree Mimi - if Vitter's wife wants to stay with him, that is her business.

    Trusting him as a political rep, after exposing the extremity of his lies is quite another matter.

    1+1 does not equal 12.

  11. The Washington Post describes Wendy Vitter as a "former prosecutor". If so, doubt she's too wet behind the ears. So long as her husband's a US senator, he's an asset. When he ain't, we'll see, won't we?

  12. Hey--Since Hilary forgave Bill his little "indiscretion," surely those calling for you to forgive Sen. Vitter on the basis of his wife's similar response will admit they were wrong about supporting impeachment. Right?

    (sound of crickets chirping...)

    (And prayer for you muthah+. As Mimi said, strength, courage, and the right outcome.)

  13. Oyster makes the point that whether Vitter's wife forgives him or not, we must decide whether we want him as our senator. And that has nothing to do with our forgiveness of Vitter, either, which is a separate matter.

  14. Mimi,

    I trust you to know when to stop; if you wanna go on with this for a while longer, please do; you don't often indulge, I'm sure.

    Sympathy, prayers, and healing for the humans underneath struggling to be better than they are; I sometimes have the same sorts of things, like last week.


    of course, prayers and the love of Jesus are sufficient, or, he is sufficient, and we all gonna tell him he's needed for ya.

  15. Johnieb, I'm afraid that I indulge more than I should. Sometimes I don't know when to stop. I make fine resolutions, but I'm not so fine when it comes to keeping them.

    You sound better today. I was worried about you for a few days.

  16. Thank you for your concern, Mimi; I wasn't overly anxious, for I count on others and Another, but I posted the above to re-assure my friends here that I was OK.

    One of the things that's emerged thus far is a call to quit cussing so much. With God, all things are possible.

  17. Well, dammit, Johnieb, quit the cussing! ;o)

  18. Did you see the piece in yesterday's "Huffington Post" about an older, but interesting, N. Orleans scandal?


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