Friday, February 8, 2008

"New Orleans Citizens' Prayer"

Shamelessly nicked from Michael Homan's blog:

Our mayor, who art in Dallas
Hollow be thy fame...
Thy flyer miles, thy quips and smiles
In the Ninth, as it is in Lakeview.

Give us this day our faces red
And forgive us our embarrassment, as we forgive
those who embarrass us.
Lead us not into demolition
But deliver us from developers.

For thine is the Superdome, and the Market Force
and the RSD
Forever and never,

Michael says, "This was just forwarded to me from Jennifer. I didn't write it, don't know who did, but wish I did."

The prayer is so very right for the seldom seen around town mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, who is not known for breaking his back doing good deeds for the benefit of the citizens of his city.

Thanks to Oyster for the tip.


  1. Hey, I have friends there now. :-)

  2. Good

  3. Wow Grandmere - that is something!

  4. Fran, it fits him to a T. But he was another miserable failure who was reelected by the people.

  5. Yes- what is up with that? It is not only Americans who do it either.

    It would appear that Silvio Berlusconi is due to be put back in office in Italy.

    And there are many others.


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