Saturday, February 9, 2008

Am I More Dog Than Cat?

You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.

You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.

And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.

That's about right. I have had both cats and dogs as pets, but I believe that I want a cat for my next pet.

Thanks for the link to Scout the Dog's blog Scout's Food For Thought.


  1. Well this test has real validity. I am a certified 100% canine (but we all knew that already).

  2. Clumber, LOL. We did know that. Right now I'm busy trying to figure out what I look like. Maybe you could do me a PhotoShop. But, please, make me pretty.

  3. You're already pretty, Mimi. Will Clumber put you in the Anglican Periodic Table? Oh, the suspense.

  4. Thank you, Paul. I can always count on your gallantry.

    I consider myself a minor player, Paul, and I regret to say that I don't think that you make the Anglican A-list either. I am afraid that it's not likely that either of us will make the APT.

  5. Well, I don't know. I took it and ended up 70% dog and the rest cat. Too many of the questions, to my mind, are skewed to the stereotype of the cat as aloof and unsociable. All the cats I've ever known personally have been very sociable. (My sister does have two cats who are so unsociable -- with people -- that their existence has been questioned, and they are referred to as "virtual" cats.) But my experience is quite otherwise. Perhaps I have merely stumbled upon more dog-like cats?

  6. Tobias, I think you are right about the skewing of the questions, although I must say that all my dogs have been affectionate, while some of my cats have been warm and sociable, and others have been aloof (just give me my necessities, and leave me alone) types.

  7. Well, there's a lot of elements, and we can always make more, but, for what it's worth, I'm not sure I make the table either.

  8. Mimi, I have never been A-list in any category my entire life. Given how many allegedly A-list people behave, I suspect this is a really good thing. There is, after all, the principle of not wanting to be part of any club that would have you.

    Of course, once the AC either grows up and gets a life (which would be a definitive proof of grace) or disintegrates (i.e., acknowledges that it already has), we may get another chance in either a more grace-filled or a smaller pool.

    In the meantime, I think we're rather rocking elemental types.

  9. Clumber, how can it be that the dog working the tables can't make the elements list?

    Paul, "rocking elemental types" works for me.


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