Friday, May 16, 2008

Allie Is Doing The Lambeth Walk

Allie is a young graduate student from central New Jersey. We met at our gathering of the crazies in New York City last year. She is charming, smart, and funny. She calls herself an Episcojew.

At her blog, The Conformist Rebel, Allie tells us:

Many people don't know this, but Lambeth has a "Young Adult Stewards Programme." Basically, if you can get to the University of Kent, they cover room, board and a small allowance that I think might cover tube fares.

I recently recieved an email informing me that I was accepted into the programme. This includes being a general grunt, "one on one" time with the ABC, and attending "the garden party and Buckingham Palace" (the bourgeois church at its best, I suppose) with the rest of Lambeth attendees (and I'm sure a huge number of other people as well).

I'm very excited for this opportunity, and yes, I will be blogging the entire time...

but, as many of you know, I've crashed my car and my laptop died.

So I'm asking you, if you can, to help me get to Lambeth.
The cheapest tickets I could find were $850 (which I bought) but that also doesn't account from getting (by rail I assume) from Heathrow to Kent. If you can help at all, please let me know.

As you see, Allie's had a bit of bad luck lately. I'd rather give my money to Allie to go to Lambeth, than to some of the bishops. If you can help her even with a small amount, she will greatly appreciate it. Here's the mailing address:

Alicia Graham
Grace-St. Paul's Episcopal Church
3715 E. State Street Ext
Mercerville, NJ 08619

You can see that Allie is legitimate, because her church will receive the money and make sure it goes to the right place. Allie, careful with the "one on one" time with the ABC, and attending "the garden party and Buckingham Palace". You know the English and their propensity to throw bacchanalias.


  1. Gracie Fields ("Our Gracie"), from Rochdale, the town next to my home town, singing "The Lambeth Walk", 1938.

    "We play the Lambeth way, Not like you but a bit more gay."

  2. Yes, the church is legit.

    And in the small world department, in 1993-94 I served my transitional diaconal year, in part, at GRASP (as they call themselves). I wasn't ordained to the priesthood there but the very first time I presided at the eucharist was there.

    They have the best roast beef supper with super whipped potatoes ;) They allowed me in the kitchen but normally it takes a long time to work your way up the ladder.

  3. Lapin, I loved the video - audio, really. I don't know how well it will resonate with Allie's age group.

    Caminante! It is a small world. Your description of their supper made my mouth water. Let's hope for a nice GRASP of help for Allie.

  4. Lee,
    I didn't actually start attending GraSP (the R and the A are lower case :-P ) until the end of 2004 or early 2005.

    I'm now on Gravy Duty at the Roast Beef Supper! Worked my way up from waitressing, scraping, and dish duty! I think next year they might let me serve veggies into the dishes for the servers (looks shocked).

  5. "(the R and the A are lower case :-P )"

    Yeah, I was being lazy.

    They must like you to have you advance so quickly! Good job.

    (It is a real hierarchy and the plebes are not allowed in the kitchen.)

    I wouldn't mind going to a dinner like that tonight rather than figuring out what I am going to eat.

  6. Caminante, Allie shows great promise. What a great leap forward.

  7. Hey y'all... I almost missed this...

    I'm going to Lambeth too. I was selected a couple months ago by the Brazilian church.

    I don't need donations, however, since I have a bursary. However, I'm going to start an art project there that will be online within some weeks, so, please, stay tuned!

    Mimi, can you please update this piece of info for me? Bisoux.


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