Friday, May 16, 2008

Kirstin - The Half-Vulcan

From Kirstin at Barefoot and Laughing:

I'm not looking forward to seeing my ear for the first time--but part of me is also giggling at the idea of being half-Vulcan.

Yep. Still loopy. Or just damn happy that this part is over. Thankful to God, my doctors, my community, and my body.

She may be missing part of her ear, but she's not missing her sense of humor. Click the link to see her picture. She looks great!

Thanks be to God!


  1. Kirstin, thank you for being such a fine example to all of us.

  2. If I knew how to do this, I'd probably do it differently. But thank you!

  3. Who knows how to do it? You just do it.

  4. I think Mimi is absolutely right. One simply does it, and we never know how beforehand, not can we teach others. We just do. And be.


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