Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Who's Invited, Who's Not?

In the comments to my post on Bishop Jerry Lamb, interim bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin in California, receiving his invitation to Lambeth, a couple of us wondered if -John-David Schofield, deposed bishop of the diocese, would retain his invitation to the meeting. The Living Church has been told that he has - as bishop of what territory, I can't say. He's now a bishop in the Archdiocese of the Southern Cone, but he is still in California, trying to hold on to assets that rightfully belong to the Episcopal Church.

Meanwhile, Bishop Gene Robinson, the duly elected and consecrated bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, has not been invited to Lambeth. He will, nevertheless, be present at Lambeth, although he will not be welcome at the meetings. Bishop Robinson is not invited because he is open and honest about being gay and partnered.


  1. +rowan, +airedale, and +i already feel bad about this travesty. I certainly hope you are not trying to make us feel even worse.

    +clumber, your humble servant

  2. Sigh. This is just so WRONG. (Oops, sorry for the shouting.)

  3. Mimi - you need to get the Harper's magazine that Fr. Jake references.

    What an article!

  4. +Clumber, +Rowan, +Airdale, I'm so sorry. Lately, I've been making a lot of mistakes on my blog, having to correct and apologize. I did not intend to make you feel worse by leaving you out of the post. How can I make it up to the three of you?

    Ruth, shout away.

    Fran, I know, but it may be difficult to find the Harper's here in the boonies. Jake had to subscribe. I could try in the next town over, which is larger.

  5. Mimi,
    I forgive you (it is divine) and I must say I for one dog and glad that you decided to keep up the blogging. I would miss you terribly if you stopped.

  6. Life is not fair. It's sad that the Church is not fair-er--or Rowan?

  7. While walking through Barnes and Nobles, Harper's reached out and grabbed me with the article on "Gay Rights and the War for the Episcopal Church" in gazillion-point type shining up at me. It is an excellent article and worth the trip, Grandmère.

  8. Well, of course they're mad at Gene! He started it!

    I mean, to be nice to him now would just be crazy! It'd be like some shepherd leaving 99 sheep to find one lost sheep; or a woman waking up the neighborhood because she spent all her oil finding a lost coin; or a father taking his prodigal son back, no questions asked.

    I mean, you just can't DO things that way! What would people SAY?!

    I mean, really.

  9. Airdale, thank you. I feel better. I hope the others are forgiving.

    I'll try to find the issue of Harper's in the next town over.

    I continue to expect the church to be better than it is. I'm not sure why, because it disappoints so often. But then, who is the church? We are the church. Perhaps, we have only ourselves to blame.

    Rmj, Gene did, indeed, start the honesty thing. How could he? How dare he rock the boat?

    He is from rural Kentucky, not from the elitist coastal areas. He was elected by the relatively conservative people of New Hampshire. He had served in the state for a number of years, so the people knew him. He's an improbable poster boy of a gay bishop, but there he is.


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