Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Being There"

If you are not regularly reading Barkings of an Old Dog, you are missing very good to brilliant posts. I recommend especially his recent posts, Being There, a conversation between KJS and Rowan, the Gardner, and "Lambeth Calling", a song. It happens that my name is mentioned in one of them, but that has nothing to do with the recommendation.

Clumber is an amazingly clever old dog.


  1. I do love that Clumber - all doggy and wise and wonderful.

  2. Is this the 'Who Loves Ya, Clumber?" place.

    I loves ya, Clumber!

  3. Shall I put something on my sidebar to that effect? I already have two links to Clumber's blog, one with the human friends and one with the dog friends. Should I do more?

    "Clumber Rocks!" or "I Love Clumber"?

  4. I love Clumber - for the side bar! Well I do love Clumber but I already have said that many times!


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