Monday, October 20, 2008

"Don't Worry, Everyone, You're Safe "

I'm not from California, but I'd like to do my bit to defeat Proposition 8, which would reinstate the ban on gay marriage. Same sex couples in California have rushed to get married, since the former ban on gay marriage was declared unconstitutional. All faithful, committed couples should have the same access to the rights, priviliges, and responsibilities of marriage, no matter the sex of the two people. The relationship between the two of love, faithfulness, and commitment is what constitutes marriage.

Read what my virtual friend, IT, says about her marriage, which took place last weekend:

Our wedding last Sunday went off wonderfully, and we have just returned after a relaxing, and largely internet-free, honeymoon which we spent doing nothing in particular. During this time we of course contemplated the remarkable fact of being married and what it means to us.

Of course, it has not changed what we mean to each other. I have loved my beloved partner-spouse for many years with every part of my being, nothing different there.

But what HAS changed is something of our view of our relationship. We were rather surprised to find that we both felt this change.

Please read the rest to see what being married meant to them. She ends with this plea:

Please help us stay married. No on Prop 8!

H/T to Tobias for the video.


  1. I see that you like to quote Scripture, you just don't like to pay attention to all of it.

  2. Anonymous, you're entitled to your opinion, of course. If you come back to leave another comment, please make up a name and sign your comment, so I don't get the anonymice confused one with the other.

  3. No, I understand your anonymous fetish. I just wanted to give you a chance to use your newly discovered blog category.

    And this counts as the THIRD time I've brought comments to your blog in which you've chosen to be dismissive rather than enter into genuine exchange. You'll dismiss this fact as well. . .but that doesn't change the reality.


  4. Really? That verbal hand grenade ("I see that you like to quote Scripture, you just don't like to pay attention to all of it") was an attempt at genuine exchange? Better work on that writing style, anonymous.

  5. billyd

    Yeah, well, like I've said. . .this is my THIRD attempt here and longer, more constructed comments were just as ignored, so. . .

  6. Anonymous, you ignored my request to make up a name. I had another Anonymous. Whether you're the same one or not, I don't know.

    You made an accusation. That does not seem to me to be a fruitful approach, if you want to engage. I will delete your comments if you don't make up a name, and I will continue to ignore you if you approach in the same manner.

  7. As the married party here, may I point out that as an atheist, I do not think anyone's view of "scripture" should determine my CIVIL (as in secular) rights.

    Prop 8 = Hate.

    Nuff said.

  8. IT, thank you.

    See, Anonymous. That's how to do it. Like IT.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I see that you like to quote Scripture, you just don't like to pay attention to all of it.

    Neither do you.

  10. Dan, that's where I could see the argument going - to a contest about who follows the Bible best?


Anonymous commenters, please sign a name, any name, to distinguish one anonymous commenter from another. Thank you.