Monday, November 23, 2009

Funeral Services For Roseann Allen-Matthews

From Gary at Facebook:

Funeral Services for Roseann will be held at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Conway, AR, at 1 p.m. on Wednesday. Her ashes will be interred in a Helman's Mayonnaise jar (per her request) in the St. Peter's Columbarium followed by a "Farewell" party in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to attend. Roseann's... life was guided by the scripture from Matthew 25:40: "I tell you this, Anything you did for one of my brothers, however humble, you did for Me." She loved this song and it will be played at the funeral.

"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, Moondance


  1. Your ashes in a Hellmann's Mayonnaise jar. How like you, Roseann. Luv ya, Sweetie.

    Love and blessings to Gary and all who love Roseann.

  2. No Miracle Whip for our Roseann!

    You've got to love someone with such a down-to-earth sense of humor...

  3. Lots of love to Roseann and Gary and those near and dear to them.

    Gotta say, the lady knows her mayonnaise.

  4. What a lady! I feel so lucky to have known her a little!

  5. My kinda lady! Roseann, may you rest in peace and may your family be comforted.

  6. Hellmann's is honored -- as we all have been.

  7. Very smart, Hellmans is a quality product for quality people who have GOOD TASTE and are considered the greatest of HOSTS!

    Amen to the joy of life and beyond.

  8. Hellman's is the only kind I ever use. Roseann has great taste. Wish I could be there to celebrate. Unfortunately I don't think my trek west will begin until early December (Izzie allowing, since she's coming too. Southern route this time.


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