Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Quick Before I Forget"

My dear friend, Paul the BB, beat me to the punch and saved me a whole load of trouble on a busy day. I intended to post asking for prayers for my surgery tomorrow, but I'll simply copy and paste Paul's lovely post and image.

Tomorrow Mimi goes in for cataract surgery in her right eye. She is being very brave and the previous round went well, but prayers for peace of mind, a safe trip to and from NOLA, and very successful surgery would not go amiss.

I am putting this up right now because I am so scattered poor Mimi was going to have to remind me and she has enough to do.

A blessing for Mimi and anyone else who needs a blessing this evening:

May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give you strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your body, save your soul, and bring you safely to his heavenly country; where he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen

--the BB

Thank you, dear Paul. My fantastic readers, you may leave your love notes here or over there.


  1. Good luck, Mimi. May your vision be 20/20! Prayers for a successful surgery and a safe trip.

  2. Mimi, God bless you and bear you up through the surgery and healing.

  3. I left one there, but I will say I am praying here too! And don't forget to ask for *more* meds so you can be further into the arms of Morpheus before they start! Love you, Mimi.

  4. The canines are praying for you too Mimi... and just in case you missed the joke I put on Facebook:

    Why don't Episcopalians participate in group sex?

    Too many Thank You notes....

  5. Prayers surrounding you and bearing you through your surgery. May you feel the peace that passes understanding as you go through your day.

  6. Love and prayers for you, Mimi.

  7. More prayers, and more peace for you, Mimi.

  8. Thank you everyone. I feel the love and the prayers, including those from the canines, even you, Clumber, you naughty old dog.

  9. All will be well, Mimi. In all manner of things, all will be well. Sez Blessed Julian. And, I don't ever mess with the sainted woman from Norwich - any more than I would ever mess with the sainted woman from Louisiana. Too dangerous.

    Bonne chance, madam. Mes priers sont avec vous.

  10. Prayers for peace of mind during surgery and an excellent outcome.

  11. Prayers ascending for your surgery.

  12. The blessing is from the service for a Healing Eucharist and seemed fitting.

    Pay attention to Susie Sue and insist on plenty of drugs this time around.

    With us on earth and Dame Julian and Blessed Roseann in heaven cheering you on, everything will be fine.

  13. I'm floating on a sea of prayer, my friends, and that's the truth.

    Paul, the healing prayer is perfect. I only steal the very best.

  14. Praying for you and all medical staff who take care of you. Blessings, Mary

  15. Prayers you will find pre or post-op. All the best!!!

  16. I'll be thinking of you. May everything go well.

  17. What so soon? It hardly seems 5 minutes since you had the first surgery. Best wishes.

  18. I'll leave a note over here.
    Prayers and best wishes for the surgery.

  19. Prayers that all will go well. Lots of love.

  20. Best of luck, with your support group how could any surgery not leave the finest results!

  21. Thanks everyone. I'm still floating on a cloud of love and prayer. We'll be leaving soon. The surgery should be at around 1:00 PM, but you never know.

  22. Prayers lifted throughout the day.


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