Monday, December 14, 2009

Fort Worth - Bye-Bye ACNA?

In an interview conducted by Michael Heidt and David W. Virtue, Bishop Jack Iker said that the Diocese of Fort Worth may withdraw from ACNA if women are ordained bishops.

Bishop Iker:

We have begun formal conversations with the local dioceses of both the Orthodox Church in America and the Roman Catholic Church. At the present time, these dialogue committees involve only priests and their bishops as participants, but we hope to include laity at some point in the future. Our initial approach is to define "what we have in common and what differences continue to divide us."

Essentially the ordination of women as priests and bishops is schismatic. It continues to be the major cause of division among those who consider themselves to be orthodox Anglicans. As long as the ordination of women continues, we will be in a state of impaired or broken communion. It is a barrier to unity.

Posted without commentary.

Google "iker withdraw acna women ordained" for the link to the entire interview.

Thanks to Lapin for the link which I did not include in the post.


  1. Jim+'s comment: I told you so (from one not in the custom of saying "I told you so").

  2. but we hope to include laity at some point in the future.
    Oh, sure. The only laity Iker ever included were the ones who agreed with him. No reason to include them until you know you have control.

  3. Klady, I heard Jim+, too.

    Hillbilly, I was shocked, shocked, I tell ya.

    Piskie, I took note of that statement, too. I would not put too much stock in "at some point". The laity will be window dressing, for the sake of appearances, and only after they agree.

  4. Neither the Romans nor the Orthodox, who, I understand, require that the parochial, secular clergy be married before ordination, allow married bishops. Do not believe that the self-important, diminutive [nasty ad-hominem stuff, Rabbit] Iker is going to head anywhere where he will not get to get to wear a pointy hat and order people around.

  5. Ah, but Lapin, you forget about the Personal Ordinariate... he still gets the bennies of ordering folks in his fifedom around, as long as what he says is ok with the "real" RC bishob in charge of him.

  6. What a load of twaddle! Or is it spelled twattle?

  7. Now who in the world would have seen this coming? I am shocked!

  8. Sigh! All he has to do is write me, er The True Church™ a certified cheque for $500,000.00 and he could be call himself the One True Bishop of All That Parta Texas. If only the man wasn't so cheap!

    wv = vulang, as in vulang vulang vulang. Vulang vulang He's so fine. . .vulang vulang vulang . . .

  9. Vulang vulang vulang...Padre Mickey is so fine...vulang, vulang, vulang.

  10. I believe that historically (medieval) that husband and wife could both join monastic orders and that would free the husband to become a priest or bishop (admittedly they would have to give up conjugal relations).

  11. OCA has become the fundamentalist branch of Anglicanism!

    I always find those who were raised in Orthodoxy in America, or chose it for some reason other than to "get back" at TEC always seem dazed and slightly baffled by these "converts."

    Orthodoxy in the USA has been bulldozered by the Anglican right-wing. When they wake up, I wonder where the right-wing nutjobs will go then?


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