Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wenchoster Calendar - Preview

If you don't yet have the official calendar of the Diocese of Wenchoster, you should rush to purchase a copy. Saintly Ramblings paid for the publication of a limited edition of only 50 of the calendars, and he'd like to get his money back. The calendar, which is printed on heavy, picture quality paper with a ring binder, is sure to be a collector's item and can only increase in value.

The feast days are somewhat different from the usual Episcopal/Anglican calendar and include saints of whom I have never heard, although I'm sure they're quite worthy of honor.

Below is a preview of the month of January. Click on the picture for the larger view.

ONLY £5 plus postage

Order by e-mail to The Gift Shop.

Payment may be made by sterling cheque

or through PayPal (preferred)

Details will be provided.diocesan gift shop.

I don't get a commission from sales, but who knows? If a good many orders result from my post, it could happen next year.


  1. Excellent work, Mimi!

    I might add that postage is about £2.25.

    The VW="propyr"

    This would be a propyr thing to do!

  2. Susan, I wish I could have posted sooner, but I had to wait until after Christmas to find the courage to try out my new technology. The calendar ships quickly.

  3. I have mine - and it's a keeper. Pay Pal figures the pounds for you.

  4. The "Gift Shop" link automatically shuttles me to G-mail registration, from which there is no exit except via registration, which I don't particularly want to do and which I couldn't do even if I wanted to do, not having a cell phone that displays text messages - at least, not that I know how to find them (!). What's with these people? Was able to lift what I assume is SR's email from the link and send a direct message.

    Thanks for posting this. I needed a calendar & this will definitely fit the bill.

  5. Lapin, what you did will work. You will hear back from SR the details about how to order.

  6. Make that five, SR. I will order a calendar for my rector. I think he'd enjoy it.


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