Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas With The Family


My grandchildren, except the eldest, on the just-put-together trampoline. TBTG the trampoline held together. I worked hard to get a semblance of an action-packed trampoline photo. In most of the pictures, the kids appeared to be standing around.


Torey, the sweet Cocker Spaniel bitch, who never tires of wanting the ball thrown for her to retrieve.


Gino, the Maltese, who continually gets tangled in my feet. As cute as Gino is, at my age, it would not be a good thing for me to have one of these tiny dogs.


I do not know the name of this pet chicken. I do know that the picture is heavily cropped, because my daughter did not want you to see a larger view of her messy shed.


Grandpère will kill me for this, but I did it anyway, because it's a good picture of him.

All in all, we had a good day. The food was tasty, the company good. The worst that happened was one or two near-fights amongst the kids, cut off before they evolved into full-blown fisticuffs.


  1. I love that chicken! I think I must have had a children's picture book with that breed of bird with the black and white feathers as one of the main characters, to give me such a fondness for it. The dogs are nice too, but O that hen! (Google suggests it's probably a Plymouth Rock?)

    As for the trampoline and the Grandpere, well, oo la la. I want one of each.

  2. And, if I didn't say so on an earlier post, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  3. HLC, the family also has a pretty white hen with white feathers on her feet and a reddish hen. Here's a link to a photo of the chickens when they had not yet matured. Scroll down to see the young hens.

  4. Glad you had a nifty day...I had a wonderful and unexpected gift...a friend of mine (actually she was my Assistant Buyer at Goldwaters/Az in the olden days/daze)...found me on the internet and NOW we´re all connected again...we were wonderful friends, she married, moved away and we lost track for 30 years! How fun, she´s now a VERY BIG retail ladyboss in Las Vegas...she tells everyone it was because of me...GOOD, now that was a wonderful gift!

    I love Cocker Spaniels. My current one is named Dulce Serena...beloved by all dogs and people.

    Glad you are happy and all is well in Louisiana.


  5. We use to have a cocker! The kids seem to be having a great time too. When it comes to pictures of spouses - I am the one usually missing since I'm the one behind the camera...and your right it is a good picture of Grandpère!

  6. Leo, how wonderful to connect with an old friend.

    We grew up with a mixed breed, but Cocker Spaniel looking dog, Ginger. Dulce Serena is a lovely name.

    Abrazos back to you.

    Ciss, yes. I'm the photographer in the family.

  7. It is a good picture of Grandpère.

  8. Mimi,
    I don't see you on the trampoline. Perhaps one of the children is in the way...or you are just above the top of the photo?? Oh, right...the photographer. Give GP the camera!
    Merry Christmas to you and all your beloved ones,

  9. Grandpere is very handsome.

    Belated Joyeux Noel, Mimi!

    OK, this is weird: word verification is "ulted". What's weird about that, you may ask? Just about an hour ago, I posted to a (Blogger) blog where the wv was "untedlen". What's w/ all the "ted"s (plus a "u" and an "l")? Weird, no?


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