Friday, January 1, 2010


MASTER of AB Monogram - "The Circumcision" - c. 1530 - Gemäldegalerie, Dresden

James Kiefer at The Lectionary says of the feast day:
On January 1st, we celebrate the Circumcision of Christ. Since we are more squeamish than our ancestors, modern calendars often list it as the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, but the other emphasis is the older. Every Jewish boy was circumcised (and formally named) on the eighth day of his life, and so, one week after Christmas, we celebrate the occasion when Our Lord first shed His blood for us. It is a fit close for a week of martyrs, and reminds us that to suffer for Christ is to suffer with Him.
Luke 2:21
After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Psalm 8
Exodus 34:1-8
Romans 1:1-7
Luke 2:15-21

Eternal Father, who gave to your incarnate Son the holy name of Jesus to be the sign of our salvation: Plant in every heart, we pray, the love of him who is the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
Image from the Web Gallery of


  1. Ya know, he looks pretty calm for what's gonna happen. Maybe he's still in "But little lord Jesus, no crying he makes" mode.

  2. Poor baby. Methinks he don't know what's a-comin'. He gonna cry.

  3. Since I have problems with the substitutionary atonement idea the idea that this is a prefiguration doesn't do much for me -- but since I understand that we know that circumcism lessens HIV transmission it's a good idea

  4. Susankay, I have problems with substitutionary atonement, too. What interested me about Kiefer's words was his reference to the emphasis on the circumcision as older than the emphasis on the name day, not so much the first shedding of blood for us, which I had never heard before and which seems a stretch to me.

  5. Methinks he don't know what's a-comin'.
    OMG, abuelita! We're talking little baby Jesus here; he knows EVERYTHING that's gonna happen to everbuddy, INCLUDING himself!

    Heresy is no way to start the new year!

  6. Heresy is no way to start the new year!

    Padre, not just starting in 2010. I expect that I have been a heretic for a while now.

  7. And a notorious heretic at that. Glad to say I know you, Grandmère.

    Now, let us all pray for end to female genital mutilation.


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