Friday, January 1, 2010


Why does 2010 feel so much like 2009? Perhaps because I'm pretty much the same person today that I was yesterday, despite attending my first New Year's Eve party in many years.

2009 was a year mixed with joy, sorrow, and regret, which included much to be thankful for, losses to grieve, and regrets for things done and things left undone. I expect that 2010 will be pretty much the same. I call it life.

Anyway, I'll take my lead from Psalm 118:24 and try to live the words.

This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Is this my New Year's resolution? No. Resolution is too strong a word. My only resolution is the the one that I stole from Doxy.


  1. Happy New Year Grandmere. I pray 2010 is a blessed one. My one resolution is to do my part to make 2010 better for those around me. Peace to you all

  2. Elizabeth, my prayers and blessings for a Happy New Year for you and those you love.

  3. Yes, Grandmere, a very blessed New Year to you to Grandpere and to all your family.

  4. As for your lack of resolutions for 2010, I am reminded of what Mark Twain had to say about the subject: "Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual."

  5. Happy New Year, Mimi, and all!

    May the year be nothing but simchas!

    And, of course, as they say in China:

    Happy New Year as reckoned by the barbaric foreign devils of the West!

  6. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone.

    Kirke, Twain's words are quite true, but I learned the hard way to stop making resolutions.

    Mark, simchas back to you. Do you think that Lindy is having to endure that type of Chinese greeting? I hope not.

  7. A blessed 2010 to you! Years are always a mixture for us, but we always hope and pray for that sense of joy, and not necessarily happiness but bliss - that is a serene joyfulness which you can hang on to during the coming year!

  8. Ciss, thank you. Your words are wise.


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