Tuesday, October 5, 2010


...for Maddie the cat. Maddie, who is 18 years old, lives with my brother-in-law, Frank. She sleeps either in Frank's closet or on his bed. When Frank was living with his son and his family, Maddie adopted Frank, and when Frank moved to his own place, Maddie went with him.

In a recent visit, the vet diagnosed Maddie with cancerous tumors all over her body. In two or three weeks, Maddie will need to be gently eased out of her life on this good earth.

Frank's Corgi, Zoe, is elderly, too, and has a good many health problems, but she hangs in there. Pray for Maddie, Frank, and Zoe.

...and for Frank. Frank will have cataract surgery tomorrow, October 6, on the first eye and on the other eye on October 20. Frank says, "Looking forward to it (no pun intended)".

Pray that all goes well with Frank's surgery.


Arrived at 6:40 - prepped - finished by 8:15 - back home by 8:45. Fell asleep couple of times during surgery (they give you Versed under tongue). Typing with one eye - right eye patched over. Painless, etc. Ready for number two. Thanks for the prayers for me and my girls.



  1. Prayers for all ... asking St. Francis to watch over them. These poor special four legged friends have such a short time with us but give us so very much love.

  2. Prayers for Frank's whole family. Glad whiteycat mentioned St Francis, special to critters AND Frank's name saint.

  3. Prayers for all. Alas for Maddie. I hope it will be a peaceful passing for her. I do know someone who had cataract surgery very recently and he actually said he enjoyed it (!). That's how state of the art it is these days. I pray it may be this easy for Frank.

  4. Prayers all around for Frank, Maddie (for an easy passing) and Zoe (for strength to hang in a while longer). Tell Frank that following my dad's cataract surgery he became 20/20, a thing he had a lot of fun reminding his myopic daughter (me) about, but you have probably told him what a piece of cake it is now.

  5. Thanks all for the prayers and for asking St Francis' intercession, WhiteyCat.

    For my first surgery, I freaked out, but I was fine for the second. I believe Frank read my posts, but he is not the type to freak out. He will be fine.

    When you get to the point that your vision can't be corrected, even with glasses, it's time for the surgery. I was there, and Frank is there.

  6. Oh, prayers. For "all creatures great and small"...

  7. It's damnably frustrating, after receiving so much material help, to be faced with a situation in which all I can possibly do is pray, but I'll do that.

  8. Mark, that's all any of us can do for Maddie. How is Katzie?


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