Friday, July 27, 2012


This isn’t to say that we give up trying to describe. But let’s not think we’ve ever arrived.
 From nakedpastor.


  1. If you have 3/4 of an hour, and the patience to listen (the bone-headedness here will anger you) listen to NPR's recently-aired interview of Bishop Leonard Blair, assessor of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious

  2. Lapin, I tried to listen on my laptop, which has a rather bad sound system, and I had to stop. I did read the story, which gives the flavor of the patronizing, know-it-all attitude of Bishop Blair, the examiner of the nuns.

    If the priest acts "in the very person" of Christ, then it's no more difficult for me to imagine a woman as Christ than it would be for me to imagine a male priest as Christ. But that's me.

  3. Man is a total sanctimonious pratt, but that, of course, is why he was given the job. About halfway through the interviews he gets in a crack at the Anglicans for being the first denomination to break, in the 30's, with the Church's (all denominations, he claims) historic, monolithic opposition to birth control.

    1. I listened to the discussion just past the crack about the Anglican Church and contraception. Blair's views on contraception sound historical, like something out of the distant past. The bishops can continue to flog the issue, but no one is paying attention. The majority of nuns probably do not bring up the subject, and, when they counsel people, they probably tell them that final obedience is to God in following one's conscience, which is what a compassionate priest told me more than 40 years ago.

      I marked my spot, and I will probably listen to the rest of the interview with the bishop later, but a little goes a long way when listening to that kind of claptrap.


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