Sunday, November 4, 2012


...we have an election coming up.  I can't think of better commentary than the poem below, once again by Marthe G. Walsh.  I guess I should name Marthe poet laureate of Wounded Bird...or something. 

                                                 Imitations of Morality

The scratch of gust blown leaves, stubborn yellows, brown
the last of reds rusted on their way to mud
            just beyond the pavement’s crown
               of civility, the thud
of campaign weary feet tracking voters down
in last gasp desperation of fanatic
            assertions of perfection
               possible in election,
    ignore the gush of faulty candidates erratic.

The patch of virtue tended, meant for harvest
by the flame of ultra-conservative torch
            is but withered interest
               in protecting those who scorch
the very fabric of the soul to invest
with new authority a male government
            not just hostile to women,
               dismissive of each human
   without a suit of cash to cover raw resentment
of all “those people” living their own way,
without permission, without the “guidance”,
            rule of oppressive patriarchs sway,
               smug and proud of their own ignorance
that in secret makes them nervous of prey
turning to stare down the profit stalker,
            challenge the right of a small elite
               to take, to hoard, to gorge on red meat
   while masses starve at the table of the slick talker.

The long, slow fall of a losing argument
turns to an early, ancient, mean, strategy
            of claiming to know God’s intent,
               noblesse oblige theology
that strips away a woman’s right to consent,
to control her own body, the intimate
            used to intimidate, shame, unhinge,
               the tactic of unholy fringe
   threshing force from rape to see sacred seed proximate.

The thatch of suspect false ideology leaks
and rots in the rain of words worth remembering:
            Truth from clouds of glory peeks,
             trails the liar dissembling,
clings like the stench of death while greed prevails and speaks
as if justice were the exclusive property
            of any self-proclaimed elect.
               Truth shines, the timid to protect,
   through fog of moneyed might to reveal equality,
       not some fleeting, fashionable stance or politic,
       just neighbor loving neighbor without fright dogmatic.


  1. Thank you Marthe. Both very good and timely.

    I think an official ceremony to christen you poet laureate of Wounded Bird would be nice. And, of course, with champagne on the doorstep.

    1. I'm honored to have a poet laureate. It's not every blogger who has one.

    2. Ah, dear Grandmere, not every blogger humors the muses as you do! And thank you Bonnie, for the suggestion of champagne ... bubbly is always a grand gesture especially if "or something" is the occasion.

    3. Taittinger? We had it at our 50th anniversary luncheon last year, and it was very good.

    4. A fine suggestion ... and wow! 50 years with the somewhat mythic Grandpere - restores my belief that the real thing does endure.

    5. Yes, we are amongst the isolated examples of humans who mate for life...soaring like the eagles.

      The mythic Grandpère and I just now had a discussion about which of us was most eccentric. I said him; he said me...the glue that holds us together.

  2. Well, Grandma, and who will you vote for?

    Whoops! Sorry! A bad taste joke. But if HE (who must not be named) gets in, will you ermy-grate? Will we see you again? Should I book you in for a four year retreat?

    I think we need to know, Charley F-B.

    1. Very bad taste, Charley. I voted early, and my vote won't count because Louisiana will vote for Romney by a large margin - +18 points last I heard. We elect by states, you know.

      If I had no ties, I would have emigrated early in the George W Bush maladministration. one in the family would go with me.


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